If you do not do exercise, then this is 6 disadvantages, know here immediately

Exercise Benefits For Body: Every person wants that he should be fit throughout his life. For this, people take other means including improving lifestyle, exercising, walking. People who keep their daily life healthy. They also remain healthy to a great extent as compared to other people. Doctors say that exercising is very beneficial for health. But those who do not exercise. They are at an increased risk of many diseases and problems. Let’s try to know what physical problems can be faced by the people doing exercise.

these become troubles

1. being tired all day
People who don’t exercise. They remain tired throughout the day. They don’t even sleep well. This can cause other problems including irritability. The mind is unable to concentrate.

2. being obese
The biggest disadvantage of not exercising is obesity. People who do not exercise or do not participate in any kind of physical activities. They get fat very fast. This happens because extra calories start accumulating in the body.

3. risk of heart disease
Where obesity occurs due to lack of physical activities. At the same time, the risk of getting heart disease also increases. Actually, increasing fat increases cholesterol in the blood. Due to this, there is an obstacle in the supply of blood in the coronary arteries. There is a risk of heart attack.

4. Hypertension problem
Usually people who exercise. Let’s do yoga. They get to see less problem of hypertension i.e. high blood pressure. People who have less physical activities. They are more at risk of hypertension.

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5. weakening of bones
By exercising, muscles and bones become strong. People who don’t exercise. Their tissues become weak. Due to this, there is a risk of fracture only if there is a slight injury or fall.

6. having a mental disorder
Lack of exercise directly affects the brain. Exercise works to release endorphins. Apart from this, other feel good chemicals are released in the body. Due to this, the risk of getting anxiety, depression is greatly reduced.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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