If you have to work on laptop for hours then learn from experts 8 tips to keep yourself fit

Sedentary Lifestyle : Today’s lifestyle and work culture is such that one has to work sitting for many hours. After coming from work, the situation has changed even more. Sitting and resting for a long time can be harmful for health. This has a bad effect on both physical and mental health. Working while sitting for long hours is called Sedentary lifestyle. Nutrition expert Rujuta Diwekar has shared a video about this on Instagram, in which she has advised to sit less and walk more. He says that sitting for a long time can also reduce the benefits of exercise and good sleep. There is also a risk of getting many types of diseases. Let us know what should be done to avoid this and to walk more and more between work.

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Citing the example of a study conducted on bus conductors and bus drivers in London in the 90s, Diwekar said that when the research team did research on conductors and drivers, the drivers were found to be at higher risk of heart attack. At the same time, bus conductors lead a healthier life than drivers. He was found healthy, happy and fit. Nutritionist told that both do the same work and the social status of both is same but the only difference is that the driver keeps sitting and the conductor keeps roaming here and there. Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says that, no matter how much we want Also eat well, exercise and get enough sleep but if we do not move then we can fall prey to diseases.

8 easy ways to sit less and move more

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1. Whenever you sit at work, stand or walk for at least 3 minutes every 30 minutes. If you do a desk job for 8-9 hours, then a small break should be taken every half an hour. During this, physical activities should be done.

2. Whenever standing, keep your weight balanced on both feet. There are many people who stand with the help of a wall or keep tight on one leg, this is not right. Standing properly is also beneficial.

3. If there are stairs in the house, then try to walk as much as possible every day. Climb at least 4 floors daily. You can keep yourself fit by making this healthy habit a part of your daily routine.

4. As far as possible, park your car and walk 500 steps wherever you want to go.

5. Go for a walk in the neighborhood at least once a week. Take the child to school, park, friend’s house, restaurant and take a walk during this. Walking is not only a good activity and it also maintains sociality.

6. Wash your own clothes at least once a week, clean the utensils and sweep the house. It comes in physical activities and makes you healthy.

7. If you are a man, then at least once a week, cook food with the family, do cleaning.

8. Walk at least 100 steps after dinner.

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