If you want to gain weight, drink these 5 things by mixing it in milk, it will always be healthy

Weight Gain Tips: Most people are troubled by obesity, but some people are also troubled by their thin body. Some people do not feel like their body no matter what they eat. If you are troubled by thinness, then definitely include milk in the diet. Immunity is strengthened by drinking some things mixed with milk. This increases healthy fat on your body. We are telling you 5 such things which, by mixing it in milk, increases the power of milk.

Drink these 5 things in milk

1- Add honey to milk and drink- To gain weight, drink milk mixed with honey. This will increase your weight fast. When you drink milk for breakfast or at night, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it.
2- Eat banana with milk- An easy way to increase obesity is to eat banana mixed with milk. That is, make a shake of 3-4 bananas a day and drink it. Potency increases by drinking Banana Shake.
3- Milk with dry fruits- To gain weight, drink milk with dry fruits. Add cashews, almonds, dates and figs to the milk and boil them. By drinking this milk, weight increases rapidly. Drink this dry milk every night at night.
4- Eat porridge with milk- To gain weight and stay healthy, definitely include oatmeal in the diet. Eating sweet milk and porridge daily increases weight. If you want, you can also use oats instead of porridge. Use full cream milk for this.
5- Drink raisin milk- Drink raisins in milk daily. This leads to rapid weight gain. Boil 10 grams of raisins in milk. Drink this milk at night before sleeping. You can also eat raisins lying in it.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

read this also:

Milk Benefits: Who should drink milk and who should not, know the answers to all such questions from an Ayurvedic doctor

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