If you want to keep yourself fit during fasting then follow these special tips

Rose Tips: Only a day or two is left for the holy month of Ramzan to begin. According to the Islamic Hijri calendar, Ramadan is the ninth month. During this whole month, the people of the Muslim community worship Allah by keeping fast. Neither food is eaten nor a drop of water is drunk throughout the day. Employments do Sehri in the morning and Iftar in the evening, while the torture of scorching heat continues in the month of Ramadan itself. In such a situation, it is a very challenging task to spend the whole day without water. This can also cause many problems. In such a situation, we are telling you some special tips, by adopting which you can keep yourself fit in the month of Ramadan.

Follow these tips while fasting

  • Those who observe fast do not drink even a drop of water throughout the day. In such a situation, everyday people should try to get out of the house less. Because staying in the scorching sun for too long can make you dizzy. As much as possible, tackle the important tasks in the morning itself.
  • Try to stay in a cool and shady place to keep yourself hydrated and cool during maximum fasting. To save oneself from heat and thirst and to control body temperature, it is better to take a bath during the day.
  • Avoid fried fried things during fasting, because suddenly consuming heavy fried things in the evening after being on an empty stomach throughout the day can lead to stomach problems.
  • While breaking the fast, consume more and more water or consume juices, fruits and vegetables. This will hydrate the body and help in staying healthy. Stay away from cold drinks, otherwise there may be a problem.
  • During Sehri, eat such things which are rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Eat such food which takes time to digest and you get energy gradually throughout the day. Tea and coffee should be avoided.

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