If you want to reduce belly fat, start this exercise today.

Belly fat: A sagging belly can be the beginning of many diseases. It also spoils the overall appearance. Nowadays, people do daily exercise, yoga and many other types of exercises to reduce belly fat. Today we will tell you about the special measures to reduce it. Thanks to which you can reduce it immediately.

Nowadays, everyone is bothered by the protruding belly. People use various measures to reduce belly fat. People try to reduce it through yoga, diet, and exercise. Today, we are going to tell you a special solution through which you can reduce your sagging belly through 6 yoga asanas in 7 days.


If fat accumulates on the belly, then Naukasana is very beneficial. By doing this, the belly fat starts decreasing. And the fat starts increasing in the body. Doing Naukasana exercise causes insulin resistance. You will get relief from diabetes.


Doing the Dhanurasana exercise is very difficult. By doing this, the muscles become much stronger. The bones are flexible. There is also pain in the waist.


By doing Bhujangasana, the body gets stretched. If someone has severe pain in the waist and shoulders, the best option is to do Bhujangasana. Doing this helps in losing fat. If someone’s shoulders are bent, doing Bhujangasana helps in shaping the body.

Plank Pose or Kumbhakasana

Plank pose is also called Kumbhakasana. Plate pose is used to reduce belly fat. This asana is very effective in burning fat from the entire body. Due to this, the chest and shoulders work properly.

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Kapalbhati works to reduce belly fat. So it is very beneficial. Kapalbhati is very beneficial for heart patients. Doing Kapalbhati is very good for heart and stomach. It affects stomach and reduces belly fat.


Due to Ustrasana, the abdominal muscles begin to stretch. Due to which the muscles begin to shrink and the stomach contracts. Ustrasana is very good for those who work sitting in one place for a long time. Doing Ustrasana reduces pain. It also cures chest and shoulder pain.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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