If you want to speed up your weight loss journey, then include cucumber in your diet daily in this way.

Kakdi For Weight Loss : The summer season has arrived. In this season, more than one nutritious fruits and vegetables are available in the market. Cucumber is one of these, yes, the same cucumber, the consumption of which doubles the enjoyment of travel. Often during the journey, people consume cucumber to keep the body cool. Its consumption is considered very beneficial for health. It also keeps the body hydrated and energetic. It contains essential vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Vitamin C. It is also rich in potassium. On the other hand, for those who are struggling to lose weight, consumption of cucumber can also be of great benefit. If weight loss people include cucumber in the diet, then they can speed up their weight loss journey. Now the question is how to include cucumber in the diet for weight loss. This has been answered by Clinical Nutritionist and Dietician Garima Goyal.

How cucumber is beneficial in weight loss journey

According to experts, the best thing about cucumber is that it has very less calories or should we say that calories are negligible. Fat is zero. It contains a good amount of water and dietary fiber. The fibers present in it help in increasing the digestive power along with making you feel full for a long time. Apart from this, digestion of food and absorption of nutrients from them is better. The problem of gas constipation in the stomach is also removed by regular consumption of cucumber. Metabolism improves. Appetite is reduced and cravings also remain under control. You can consume cucumber in this weight loss journey.

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How to include cucumber in diet

The easiest way to include cucumber in the diet is to consume it before meals. By doing this, your stomach will be full and you will eat less, in this way you will consume less calories. This will also improve digestion. You can eat it as a snack or in between breakfast and lunch, it will help you reduce your daily calorie intake. Or eat cucumber whenever you feel hungry. With this you will not have any craving to eat junk or fried food.

drink cucumber juice

You can start your day with cucumber juice daily. It is very easy to create it. For this, put cucumber pieces in a blender along with lemon juice, green coriander, aloe vera, ginger and water and blend it well. Drinking it every morning on an empty stomach also reduces weight and makes you feel refreshed.

read this also: Eating only fruits and vegetables in the process of weight loss? Once you know this too, what effect is it having on the body?

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