If you want to stay cool in summer, then definitely include these superfoods in your diet.

Summer Health Tips: The summer season has started. The heat is at its peak only in April. The increasing temperature is scorching the body everyday. It is very important to take care of your health in such weather. Stomach problems are most common in this season. In summer, one has to eat food after weighing a lot. If even a little bit of fried food is eaten, then the whole routine gets spoiled. In such a situation, we are telling you about some such superfoods, by consuming which your stomach will also be cool, you will feel energy and you will also be healthy… let us know about it in detail.

seasonal fruit- In the summer season, more than one seasonal fruit is sold in the market, which has high water content. Consume other fruits like watermelon, grapes, oranges, melon. With this you will remain hydrate and your stomach will also remain cool. Watermelon should definitely be consumed because 91% of it is water. It helps in fulfilling the requirement of water in your body. Apart from this, watermelon rich in antioxidant properties also gives you a cooling effect. On the other hand, orange contains vitamin C which makes immunity strong.

Consumption of seasonal vegetables-Eat plenty of salad in summer. Eat cucumber, cucumber, zucchini and vegetables with high water content. It keeps the stomach cool and helps in keeping you hydrated. Cucumber is rich in fiber. This keeps the stomach right. Eating cucumber helps in removing constipation. It also contains more amount of water. On the other hand, minerals like vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium are found in zucchini, which prevents inflammation in the body. It also improves digestion.

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coconut water- Must drink coconut water in summer, it contains electrolytes, it can help in keeping you hydrated. Keeps the stomach cool as well. Coconut water has cooling effects which protects you from heat stroke.

Curd- Must consume curd in lunch or dinner. Yogurt is a good source of probiotics which can help in maintaining a healthy gut. It also helps in keeping the stomach cool and calm. If you want, you can eat curd in the form of lassi or you can eat it after making raita or buttermilk. Drinking buttermilk does not cause dehydration.

Mint Chutney- Make sure to include mint chutney in your food in summer. It can help in keeping the stomach cool. Even if there is burning sensation in the stomach after eating spicy food, mint chutney can help in keeping the stomach calm.

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