I’m a nutritionist and here’s 5 carbs you CAN eat to lose weight faster

WHENEVER we decide to lose weight and lose weight, leaving carbohydrates can be the first thing on our agenda.

After all, some of our favorite carb-laden foods, like bread, pasta, and potatoes, are just dietary fat traps that land right in our stomachs. Correct?


Cold pasta in particular can keep you feeling full longer.Credit: Getty – Contributor

Well, actually, no.

Good news just arrived; Certain carbohydrates can actually make our bellies flatter and help burn off unwanted pounds.

In addition, they are a fairly essential food group to help us live our day to day.

“Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy.

“They provide the body with glucose to use for energy, which can also be stored for future use.

“Carbohydrates also play a valuable role in our gut health, providing useful fiber for the digestive tract,” says Rhiannon Lambert, nutritionist and author of The Science of Nutrition: Debunk the Diet Myths and Learn How to Eat Well for Health and Happiness. .

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“There is now a link between our gut health and maintaining a healthy weight.”

In fact, carbohydrates are so important that Rhiannon says they should make up about a third of our daily calorie intake.

Although natural high-fiber carbohydrates, such as whole-grain options, are more nutritious than those that have been stripped of their fiber content, even white carbohydrates have their palace; white flour in the UK has to be fortified with iron, as well as the energy-required nutrients thiamin and niacin.

So before you vow to never enjoy a pasta dish, or ditch bread from your kitchen cupboards, you might want to reconsider the carb ban.

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These 5 carbohydrates could help you lose weight, soon…

1. Pasta

PORTION CONTROL: two handfuls (dry)

“The whole-wheat pasta variety is an easy way to increase your fiber content that will help keep you full longer, support digestive health, and reduce your risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes,” says Rhiannon.

Although a hot pasta bake is an ideal winter dish, a great way to maintain a healthy weight is actually with cold pasta.

“When people eat pasta hot, compared to cold, it will be released faster into the bloodstream, while when it is cold there will be a more resistant starch, which studies suggest helps people get to a healthy weight or help with weight loss as it can help with intestinal satiety, keeping people full for longer,” says Rhiannon.

2. Rice

PORTION CONTROL: two handfuls (dry)

Opt for brown rice, a great option to serve with curries and tagines.

“It has a nutty flavor and is a great source of dietary fiber,” says Rhiannon, who goes on to explain that not eating enough carbohydrates, such as on a high-protein, low-fat diet, can lead to a bad mood.

This, in turn, can lead to binge eating; in particular eating foods that are full of sugar.

To maintain a good mood, it is important to ensure that serotonin levels are stable.

“Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps transmit messages from one area of ​​the brain to another and is thought to influence a variety of psychological functions; it’s known as our ‘happiness hormone’ because of its mood-stabilizing qualities,” reveals Rhiannon.

He adds that eating good-quality carbohydrates along with a protein source that contains the amino acid tryptophan (think milk, tuna, chicken, turkey, and oatmeal) might also be good for boosting serotonin.

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A baked potato with beans and cheese can be part of a healthy diet, it's full of fiber


A baked potato with beans and cheese can be part of a healthy diet, it’s full of fiberCredit: Getty – Contributor

3. Potatoes

PORTION CONTROL: A potato the size of a fist

Put potatoes back on the shopping list; and yes, we are talking about the delicious white potatoes that are so often feared.

While grease-coated baked potatoes may not be the healthiest option, try baking a potato and topping it with a vegetable chili or even the classic bean and cheese combination.

“Baked potatoes help digestion due to their high fiber content and are rich in vitamin B6; a key vitamin for the body,” says Rhiannon.

“B vitamins play an important role in keeping the nervous system healthy and helping our bodies release energy from the food we eat.”

In addition, root vegetables, such as potatoes, butternut squash, turnips, and parsnips, contain a large amount of starchy carbohydrates.

“Everyone should aim to eat modest amounts of starchy vegetables.

“Being starchy carbohydrates, they typically contain around 8g of fiber per 100g, which is almost a third of your daily fiber requirement.

“Opt for starchy vegetables over refined carbohydrates (like white bread) if you want to lose some weight,” says Rhiannon.

4 apples


Apples actually involve carbohydrates.

In fact, what might surprise you is that a small apple contains around 21g of carbohydrates, more than the amount found in an average slice of bread.

Apples are also a good source of fiber and vitamin C, which helps keep cells healthy.

“To make your apple even more filling, try combining it with a teaspoon of nut butter,” says Rhiannon.

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Although fruit is one of the most natural foods we can eat, Rhiannon recommends consuming two to four servings of fruit per day, including a 150ml serving of fruit juice.

5. Bread


Bread, also known as the things of life, is without a doubt one of the most feared carbohydrates.

But there is simply no need to banish the bread of your life.

“Whole grain bread is packed with nutrients including fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals,” says Rhiannon.

Plus, as a slow-release carbohydrate, the energy in bread is released slowly, which can keep you from crashing later in the day and then reaching for the cookie tin for a sugar-based energy hit.

“The bread also has a prebiotic effect that helps maintain your body’s healthy balance, and many breads have zero grams of trans and saturated fat per serving.”

Another great bread option is sourdough, which is said to support gut health.

Studies have shown that healthy gut bacteria can play a role in our ability to lose weight.

Rhiannon’s new book the science of nutrition It is available in all bookstores and online. Follow Rhiannon on Instagram @ritrition.

Bread is not the enemy: it can support gut health and is packed with nutrients


Bread is not the enemy: it can support gut health and is packed with nutrientsCredit: Getty

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