I am incredibly grateful to have had a strong and healthy immune system for over three decades, thanks to a foundation that was laid during my childhood.
I credit my wise single mom for filling our home and plates with color (fruits, vegetables, legumes, high-quality protein, whole grains, and dairy). I vividly remember her combing the grocery store aisles and flipping through products to read Nutrition Facts labels to find 100% whole grain and whole-wheat options for bread, pasta, and other cereals in the 1980s and 1990s. It was ahead of its time since that’s when so-white processed bread dominated the carb scene.
Growing up, my brother and I had a modified rule from Mom’s “clean plate club.” The guidelines were as follows: Eat all the protein and vegetables from it; fruit is dessert; and finishing your grain carbs is optional (as a carb lover myself, I chose not to abstain).
Processed and canned foods (except tuna), sandwiches, chips, candy, soft drinks, etc., did not arrive at our house. Out of sight, out of mind. I kid you not, I discreetly drank my first soda in seventh grade at a school dance.
On weekends, my grandmother masterfully cooked my grandfather’s fresh vegetables in her impressive garden, along with the healthy fish he had just caught and boned like a pro.