‘I’m going to hospital, I’m worried and scared’: York teens on life as a mental health patient

Teenagers in a York mental health unit have written a poem about how it feels to be admitted as an inpatient in the middle of a pandemic.

“I’m going to the hospital. I’m worried and scared. People say it will help, but I don’t feel ready,” write the four young people in the mental health unit at Mill Lodge in Huntington, in a poem titled ‘So what’s next? ?

The poem describes the first-hand emotions and feelings of being a young patient admitted to the unit during the lockdown.

“Because of Covid, I am going to the isolation room,” the poem continues. “It’s sad and lonely, I hope to get out soon.”

The poem emphasizes the uncertainty and worry that adolescents feel, but ends on a hopeful note.

“So what’s next? What’s the plan going to be?” She continues.

“It feels really uncertain, it’s so hard to see

As time goes by, I hope and I pray,

“That with kindness and support I can make my own way.”

Mill Lodge is home to eight young people between the ages of 13 and 18 who have significant emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Amy Burn, an occupational therapist at Mill Lodge who helped young hospital patients with the poem, said: “Art and creativity are fantastic ways to encourage young people to express their feelings and connect emotionally with the difficulties they are going through.

“We were thrilled to see our young man rise to the challenge of creating a poem about his experiences, which have been particularly difficult due to all the pandemic-related restrictions we’ve had over the last two years.

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“We have also made a sign with some inspiring and positive messages for a local community garden used by young people, which fits very well with this year’s theme of growing together.”

The Mill Lodge Community Garden Sign

Mill Lodge is run by the leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Here is the teens’ poem in its entirety:

So what’s next?

A poem by the youth of Mill Lodge, York

“I’m going to the hospital

I am worried and scared

people say it will help

But I don’t feel ready

by covid

I go to the isolation room

it’s sad and lonely

I hope to leave soon

I have my negative

many new places

it feels overwhelming

so many new faces

So a new routine

to structure my day

got up too early

With many games to play

So what’s next?

What will be the plan?

It feels really uncertain

It’s so hard to see

While time passes

hope and pray

That with kindness and support

I can make my own way.”

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