In Japan, more than 1.5 million people are imprisoned in homes, the trend of hikikomori is increasing, know what it is?

Hikikomori In Japan: Troubled by the ups and downs of life and difficult situations, people often prefer to live in loneliness. This problem increases further when the number of such people increases. The Corona epidemic has worked to increase this problem rapidly. Because due to the lockdown, the whole world was imprisoned in the four walls of the house. These days the problem of loneliness remains a cause of concern for the government of a country. You will be surprised to know that more than 15 lakh people of working age are imprisoned in their homes in Japan. These people neither leave the house nor like to meet people.

In Japan, this process of separating oneself from society and living alone is called ‘hikikomori’. Its trend is increasing in Japan. People suffering from hikikomori do not like to talk or connect with anyone. They just like to stay at home. According to a survey conducted on 30,000 Japanese people aged 10 to 69, 2% of the 15-62 age-group suffer from hikikomori.

What is hikikomori?

The term ‘hikikomori’ is believed to have been coined in Japan in the 1990s for youths who had cut themselves off from society and isolated themselves in their homes. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, that person is considered a hikikomori, who keeps distance from society or remains cut off from it for 6 months or longer. Hikikomori is associated with tension, depression, pressure of studies, discord in relationships and social phobia etc.

Why is the trend of ‘Hikikomori’ increasing in Japan?

The trend of hikikomori is increasing in Japan for many reasons. Many young people in Japan face pressure to do well in school and study more to get good jobs. Due to this, problems like stress and anxiety arise in them. Apart from this, the tension of career growth, the pressure of not being able to do anything is also included in the reasons for its increase. Hikikomori is usually not treated with medication, but with psychotherapy. However, medicines are also needed to improve mental health. People suffering from hikikomori need the support of family or a medical professional.

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