Increase your mental power

Our mental power it increases when we develop concentration. A piece of paper will not burn simply by holding it in the sun. However, when the sun’s rays converge on a convex lens, the intensity of the heat at the focal point allows the paper to ignite. Similarly, when our mental energies are not channeled in the right direction, they dissipate very quickly, weakening the mind. A hesitant, unstable and restless mind he is prone to all kinds of hallucinations, phobias and complexes.

A wavering mind is a sick mind. When we fix our mind on an inner point, such as a flame or a bindu, what we are really trying to do is control the oscillations and fluctuations.

When the mind is free from distractions, the higher intuitive faculties reveal themselves and begin to guide the individual. Confidence increases, imaginary fears fade and one is able to face the realities of life. This is yoga…. True strength lies in the mind. Only this strength will allow you to achieve something worthwhile in your life.

to achieve Mental force and stability, set aside 10 minutes for meditation each morning. Decide where to set your mind. If you want to pin it to a candle flame, just keep that in mind and nothing else. When the mind is concentrated and unidirectional, even for a second, then one experiences a wonderful experience.


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