Protect Your Child From Covid And Viral Fever: Monsoon is called the season of diseases. Viral fever, mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and chikunya spread rapidly during this season. At the same time, the threat of corona virus has not reduced yet. Your slight carelessness can make the situation serious. Children need to be taken care of a lot in this season. The immunity of children troubled by getting wet in the rain and cold and cold becomes very weak. In such a situation, the virus attacks the children first. This season can be risky for children who are going to school for the first time. In such a situation, if you want to protect your child from corona or viral fever, then take care of these things.
1- Increase the immunity of children- First of all, you have to emphasize on increasing the immunity of the child. Give children a multi-vitamin regularly. Include fruits, vegetables, milk, curd and cheese in the diet. Keep away from junk food.
2- Wear full clothes- The weather changes suddenly in the rain, when it rains, the coolness increases. In such a situation, children very quickly fall in the grip of colds and colds. Do not keep children in too much AC. Avoid getting hot and cold and always wear full clothes. This will also protect against mosquitoes.
3- Feed hot things- Do not give cold things to children at all. Give warm and turmeric milk at night. If the child is 4-5 years old, then give Chyawanprash with milk at night. Keep licking ginger and honey. Give food fresh. Do not give refrigerator water, cold juices, cold fruits at all.
4- Allow enough sleep- Good sleep improves the physical and mental development of children. Let the child get enough sleep. If you have a school going child, then definitely give him a sleep in the afternoon. Good sleep strengthens immunity and heals the body.
5- Keep away from infected children- If another child has a cold, cough or fever, then keep your child away from him. If your child has this problem, then make the child wear a mask and try to keep it at home, until the child gets better. Don’t send it to school at all.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.
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