Iron deficiency symptoms: Six iron-packed foods to add to your diet now

According to the World Health Organization, up to 80 percent of the world’s people may not be getting enough iron. Do you know the symptoms of iron deficiency? These are the first warning signs to look out for, as well as the six foods you should start eating today to increase your iron levels.

Iron deficiency can make you feel groggy and exhausted.

Your body needs iron to create hemoglobin, a substance found in red blood cells and helps them efficiently carry oxygen to your tissues and muscles.

Without enough hemoglobin, you won’t get all the oxygen you need, leading to a condition called iron deficiency anemia.

Lack of iron can leave your immune system in distress, making it more vulnerable to viruses and infections.

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Foods to eat if you are iron deficient

Some iron-rich foods to add to your diet right away include:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables like kale and cavolo nero
  • Foods to which extra iron has been added, such as fortified bread and cereals
  • Nuts, such as plums, apricots, and raisins.
  • Red meat, or if it is vegetarian or vegetable, beans and legumes as a substitute
  • Liver
  • Walnuts

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