Is Drinking Water Unhealthy During Meals? Here’s What You Should Know

The importance of staying hydrated cannot be overstated, and it goes beyond just drinking water. But, with so many conflicting reports on whether or not drinking water during meals is a good idea, what should you do?Also Read – Benefits of Chickpea Sprouts: Know the best time to consume this healthy snack

Water and other liquids can dilute digestive juices, making digestion more difficult. Drinking during a meal can also lead to a habit of chewing; Sipping a glass of water while eating slows you down, and makes you more likely to swallow your food whole. If you must drink something, it is best to stick to water between meals. As a general rule, no liquids should be mixed with solids. The fluid goes directly into the intestine, removing all digestive enzymes and thus inhibiting digestion. Also Read – Weight Loss Diet: 5 Natural Fat Burner Drinks to Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos

Why should you not drink anything while eating?

Weight gain: One side effect of drinking water with meals is that you tend to gain weight. This is because insulin levels rise, and food is broken down to produce fat, which is then stored. Apart from that, Ayurveda states that weak digestive fire is one of the primary causes of obesity. Also Read – 5 healthy and easy snack tips to beat those 4pm hunger cravings at work

leading to gastric problems: Drinking liquids while eating can cause acidity in the stomach and mouth. It can cause you to swallow more air, causing you to burp more. This will take your attention away from your food, making it more difficult to enjoy.

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Increases insulin in your body: Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and fat storage. Drinking fluids with meals can increase insulin levels, which can lead to weight gain. This is not only true for plain water; Drinking juice or soda with your meal will also affect how much insulin your body produces.

Decreases the amount of saliva produced: Saliva is an essential component of digestion, helping in the breakdown and softening of food. However, drinking a glass of water during a meal reduces saliva production and reduces its effectiveness.

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