Now the not so good news. Palm oil is especially rich in palmitic acid, a saturated fatty acid that has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease7 in some studies. However, results have been mixed and controversial on the oil. health impact8 and heart health specifically9. A review published in Frontiers in physiology10 in 2017 suggests that it is not the palmitic acid itself that is problematic, but rather the ratio of palmitic acid to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS) such as omega-3s that you consume.
For the record, less than 10% of Americans get enough omega-3s, and according to Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDNmbg director of scientific affairs, “We have a national omega-3 gap that needs to be addressed as soon as possible,” she previously told mbg.
And as we already mentioned, the World Journal of Cardiology has taken a fairly strong stance that there is no benefit to replacing palm oil with unsaturated fat, as long as you eat a nutritionally balanced diet (meaning enough omega-3s and other important nutrients).
All of that said, the biggest downside to palm oil actually goes beyond your health. Many old-growth forests are cleared for palm oil plantations, especially in Southeast Asia. As oil palm growers rush to expand their land area to meet demand for palm, they are cutting down trees, destroying wildlife habitats and damaging a valuable carbon storage sink. The palm oil supply is a threat to the survival of orangutans, and it also threatens elephants, rhinos, tigers and the livelihoods of local Sumatran community members.
It is possible to find sustainable palm oil, but you need to be more diligent as cheaper versions of the oil are often found in packaged foods and personal care products. If you buy palm oil, make sure it is RSPO certificate Deforestation free palm.