Is there any harm in eating radish and carrot together in summer? you also eat after reading this

Summer Food Combinations: As soon as the summer comes, both the body and the mind become hot. To keep the body cool in summer, people eat different types of food so that their stomach remains cool. But some wrong food combination can play stomach band instead of benefiting health. First of all let’s talk about radish and carrot. According to health experts, you can eat radish and carrot together without worrying. Both are eaten together in salads and do not cause any harm.

On the other hand, radish is full of water, which benefits health, but if some special things are eaten with it, then it will not take any time to spoil your health. Let us know today which foods consumed with radish can prove to be bad for your stomach.

Radish and bitter gourd

Experts say that even if radish is eaten alone, it is beneficial, but if you eat bitter gourd with radish, then your health can be harmed. Actually, the elements found in both these foods, if mixed together in the stomach, can cause an acidic reaction. Consuming them together can also cause breathing problems.

Radish and Cucumber

Cucumber should not be eaten with radish. The first thing is that radish and cucumber both contain a lot of water and if both are eaten together, stomach upset can occur due to excess water in the body. The second special thing is that ascorbate, an element found in cucumber, absorbs vitamin C in the body. If you eat it with radish, there may be problems of indigestion, flatulence, acidity etc. in the stomach. That’s why these two should not be consumed together.

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Radish and Orange

Consuming orange along with radish is also prohibited. Actually the combination of these two is dangerous for the stomach. If these two are eaten together then the problem of gas, indigestion, acidity and constipation can arise in the stomach. That’s why orange should not be consumed with radish.

radish and milk

Consuming radish and milk together is said to be very dangerous. Actually, the effects of radish and milk or dairy products are different. If you take milk or dairy products with radish then your stomach may get upset. Along with indigestion, gas, bloating in the stomach, you may also have the problem of vomiting and nausea.

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