Is your child suffering from cold and cough? So feed him ‘Ginger Cand’, learn how to prepare at home

Ginger Candy: These days such weather is going on, in which there is neither much heat nor much cold. Such weather often causes many diseases, such as cold, cold, cough and fever etc. Due to the change in weather, our body gets affected by these health problems. Sometimes allergies and infections also become big problems. To avoid these, most people take medicines. Adults consume decoction or Ayurvedic drinks to increase their immunity, but what about children?

Protecting children from cough, cold and other infections is a difficult task. They often hesitate to drink decoction or take cough medicine. It is also difficult to explain to them. However, now you do not need to worry. Because we have come up with such a thing, which your kids will easily eat. We are talking about ginger candy, by eating which children will not have to face problems like cold, cough, sore throat and infection.

How to make ‘Ginger Candy’

Ginger has antiviral and antioxidant properties, which help fight infections and allergies and boost your immunity. Consuming ginger candy will help in curing cough and phlegm in children. Let us know how you can prepare this candy.

Ginger Candy Ingredients

1. 4 to 5 ginger

2. 1 to 2 teaspoons ghee

3. 1 tsp black salt

4. 1 tsp turmeric

5. 1 tsp black pepper

6. 2 to 3 sheets butter paper


1. First wash the ginger thoroughly and dry it well. Then put them directly on the gas flame and fry them.

2. When the upper peel of ginger turns black, turn off the gas. Then keep the ginger in a vessel to cool down.

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3. After this, peel the upper peel of ginger with the help of a knife.

4. Then cut them into small pieces and grind them in a mixie. Ginger paste will be ready after grinding.

5. Now take a pan and put one spoon of ghee in it. When the ghee becomes hot, fry the ginger paste in it.

6. When you feel that the ginger paste has turned golden brown, add 300 grams of jaggery to it.

7. Now keep mixing it until all the jaggery melts well.

8. When everything is mixed well, add turmeric, black pepper and black salt to it and cook it well.

9. Now with the help of a ladle, pour this paste on butter paper and let it set properly. Once the ginger mixture cools down and becomes slightly tight, cut it into toffee-sized pieces. Now your ‘Ginger Candy’ ie ‘Ginger Candy’ is ready.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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