Is your hair falling due to sweating in summer? Know how to defend

Hair Care Tips: Sweating in summer is natural and very common. It cannot be stopped even if you want to because sweating maintains your body temperature. It is good for health, but excessive sweating not only affects our face but also affects our hair. Many people say that due to sweating in summer, their hair fall starts increasing. Now the question is whether sweating really promotes hair fall. Will learn about this in further detail.

Does sweating cause hair fall?

1.Experts say that lactic acid is found in sweat. When sweat flows in summer, this sweat also flows on the scalp. If the sweat is not cleaned from the scalp for a long time, it can cause damage to your scalp. Lactic acid can cause inflammation on the scalp and make the hair weak.

2.Let us tell you that there is natural oil in the scalp, which gives strength to the hair, but when the lactic acid and natural oil released from the sweat mix together, the pores of the scalp get clogged, due to which oxygen does not reach the scalp properly. Hair loss starts due to discontinuation of the course.

3.Due to sweating on the scalp, there can be a problem of itching. Sometimes this itching is so strong that your nails get affected. Blood comes out of these and there are pimples on the scalp. Due to infection, the frequency of hair loss increases.

4.Many times the body becomes very dehydrated due to sweating and its effect also falls on your hair. This can increase the problem of hair fall.

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How to save?

1.It is not possible to stop sweating in the summer season, but to avoid it, try not to stay in the sun for a long time. Even if you are going out in the sun, cover your head. If there is a lot of sweat on your scalp, then clean it thoroughly with tissue paper or any cotton cloth. Wash your hair thoroughly twice a week during summer so that it keeps your hair clean.

2.Do oiling in hair even during summer. Because on one hand, if sweating is damaging your natural oil, then you can control the damage by oiling. This reduces the problem of hair fall. Keep in mind that hair wash must be done after oiling, otherwise the dirt will stick to the hair, then it can cause dandruff problem. And then hair fall can happen.

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