It only takes 20 minutes to build upper body strength and muscle with this workout

There are many ways to train your upper body, but to keep things simple, especially for those busy days when you don’t have a second to plan your workout, you’ll want to pick up this quick 20-Minute Dumbbell Upper Body Workout. routine.

If you’re training at home, it’s worth investing in your own set of best adjustable dumbbells. With this type of dumbbell, you can change the load mid-workout, and since you can fit multiple weights in one, you’ll save space by not needing a full rack of weights. Or, if you’re using this routine at the gym, head over to the free weights section where you should find a weight rack to work with.

Could you argue in cardio vs weights debate that weight training takes more time and effort, especially if you’re new to weight work. However, once you read about these Strength training tips for beginners. and then address this short mad fit (opens in a new tab) upper body routine, you’ll quickly realize that weight training is not only a great way to build muscle fast, it’s also an efficient way to burn body fat.

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