It’s Time To Include More Of This Digestion-Supporting Veggie In Your Diet

According to registered dietitian May Zhu, DR., chicory is technically classified under the chicory vegetable category. Even if you’ve never had radicchio before, chances are you’ve definitely seen it at your local grocery store or farmers market. In fact, this green leaf It is often confused with red cabbage, thanks to its purplish-red exterior. “Depending on the variation, the color can range from deep purple to maroon or red,” says Zhu.

Additionally, you will see whitish-green ribbed lines along the leaves; that’s one of the main ways to tell cabbage and radicchio apart. It is similar to a soft lettuce, such as a bibb or gem variety.

As for the taste, well, it can be quite bitter. “It has a much meatier texture than lettuce or romaine lettuce, and the flavor can be bitter and earthy,” Zhu notes. That’s where proper cooking methods come in: when radicchio is cooked or marinated, it can help soften that bitter taste.


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