Jackie Shroff is troubled by this serious blood-related disease, knows its symptoms and prevention.

Jackie Shroff is the brand ambassador of Thalassemics India. Thalassemia is a serious blood-related disease. It is very important for a patient with thalassemia to get tested before pregnancy to see if she is suitable for it or not. Jackie Shroff had said in one of his interviews that people should undergo a thalassemia minor test before marriage.

Thalassemia is a disease in which the production of hemoglobin in the body stops. It is a blood-related disease, which occurs due to genetic reasons. Thalassemia is transmitted from parents to children. Due to lack of information, this disease can be very dangerous. Tell us what this disease is, who is most at risk and how careful we should be with children…

what is thalassemia
According to Dr Nandan Sharma, pediatrician at Jabalpur District Hospital, the disease thalassemia in children is genetic. If the parents suffer from this disease, the chances of the child having thalassemia increase by 25%. This can only be avoided if blood tests of both men and women are carried out at the time of marriage. Children in such a situation can be protected from this disease. According to Dr Sharma, every year, more than 10,000 children are born with the most severe form of thalassemia. This disease affects their body’s ability to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells. This is the reason why a person suffering from thalassemia must undergo a blood transfusion from time to time.

How dangerous is thalassemia?
Doctors say thalassemia requires frequent blood transfusions. In such a situation, due to repeated blood transfusions, excess iron elements accumulate in the patient’s body. This can lead to serious damage to the liver, heart and lungs. Apart from this, the risk of contracting hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV also increases.

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What are the symptoms of thalassemia
1. Different symptoms of thalassemia appear with age.
2. Some common symptoms of anemia include yellowing of the child’s tongue and nails.
3. The child’s growth stops, he appears smaller and weaker than his age.

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4. Sudden weight loss
5. Having trouble breathing

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Is there a permanent treatment for thalassemia?

Health experts believe that thalassemia can be completely eradicated. Doctors treat this disease based on its severity, symptoms, and problems faced by patients. To maintain the level of hemoglobin in the patient’s body, extra iron is removed from the body through blood transfusions at regular intervals. Apart from this, doctors also advise taking supplements like folic acid. If necessary, thalassemia is also treated with bone marrow transplantation.

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