Jamie Oliver weight loss: Chef lost 2st by cutting 1 food from diet – ‘it’s been amazing’

Jamie Oliver, 46, has lost an impressive two stone in recent years and has managed to maintain his ideal weight. He has been open about his weight in the past and attributes his transformation to two things.

Jamie Oliver cut back on one specific food and increased her intake of another.

She also focused on her exercise regimen to lose weight.

In this way, the famous chef managed to lose a huge amount of two stones.

“I went down on meat, up on vegetables, slept more and moved more,” Jamie told the Radio Times.

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The chef continued, “I lost 25 pounds pretty quickly and I didn’t do it because I didn’t eat.

“I ate a lot, more than I was used to.”

Jamie swapped meat dishes for more vegetables and cut back on snacking throughout the day.

If he snacks, he made sure that all he ate was nuts.

“It’s about an awareness and knowing that you’re doing something and being more aware.”

Interestingly, one food that Jamie added to her diet, contributing to her weight loss, was seaweed.

“I thought seaweed was a hippie, globetrotting thing, but our ancestors ate seaweed,” he said.

“It has loads of iodine and is the most nutritious vegetable in the world.”

Speaking about why she decided to lose weight in the first place, Jamie told the Loose Women host panel: “I realized I hadn’t spent a lot of time taking care of myself.

“I went back to school and started studying nutrition, I started traveling to parts of the world where people live longer lives, and I started looking at their lifestyles.”

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The chef added: “That was the journey and it’s been amazing.”

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