Justin Just Cancelled His ‘Justice’ Tour—It’s Taking a ‘Toll’ On His Mental Health

Taking a break. Justin Bieber canceled his tour to take care of himself. The “Stay” singer posted on his Instagram stories on September 6, 2022 that he is taking a break from his Justice World Tour to focus on himself.

He posted the news on his instagram stories with the following statement: “After resting and consulting with my doctors, family and team, I left for Europe in an effort to continue the tour. I did six live shows, but it took its toll on me. Last weekend, I performed at Rock in Rio and gave everything I had to the people of Brazil.” He continued, “After I got off stage, exhaustion overcame me and I realized that I need to make my health the priority right now. So I’m going to take a break from touring for the time being. I’m going to be fine, but I need time to rest and improve.” He added: “I am very proud to bring this program and our message of Justice to the world. Thank you for your prayers and support during all of this. I love you all passionately.”

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This is the second time Justin has canceled his tour. He previously postponed his tour after he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome in June 2022. He posted on his instagram stories“This is pretty serious as you can see,” he said while displaying his inability to wink or partially move his face. “I wish this wasn’t the case. But obviously, my body is telling me that I need to slow down.” A source revealed to us weekly on June 15, 2022, that “Hailey has been an absolute rock. She is by her side for whatever she needs, as are her other close friends and family members. [He] He has faith that this will work itself out eventually, but of course, it’s a stressful situation to deal with and a difficult time for both of us right now.”

Image: Instagram

He and his wife Hailey Bieber have been together during his health problems. “Justin was an amazing husband and support system for Hailey when she was going through her own health issue a few months ago. He has never left her side and she wants to reciprocate and be there for anything Justin needs,” a source said. Hollywood life. “While it’s not the kind of situation where Justin needs a caregiver, Hailey just wants to be by his side right now, if only for emotional support. She is the biggest cheerleader for him and wants to do whatever she can to help the situation.”

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