Kashmiri women do this special work to keep themselves fit and young

Kashmiri water Benefits: Kashmir is called the heaven on earth and people living in these beautiful valleys are included in the list of beautiful people of the world. As you know, you often find discussions about the beauty of Kashmiri girls or women in films and books. Hearing about these people, a question often comes to mind that what they apply on the skin or what they eat, which makes them look so beautiful. Especially after pregnancy, the beauty of Kashmiri women does not diminish, rather they shine more than before. Come let’s know what she eats which makes her look so young and beautiful even after delivery. 

This special herbal water is used

Kashmiri women use a special kind of water after pregnancy. Due to which she looks more fit and beautiful than before,  After becoming a mother in earlier times, it was advised to take herbal bath i.e. herbal bath, but nowadays who follows it. But Kashmiri women still take the help of herbal bath after becoming a mother. For your information, let us tell you that this herbal bath is given only after 40 days of becoming a mother. Which is called Loseh Ab. However, Kashmiri Pandits also do this type of bath on the 11th day after the birth of the child. This is a special kind of water. In which there are many types of herbs,  leaves, wild fruits and roots. All these are kept in a pot and boiled for 2 hours. These herbs are brought from different places of Kashmir. Due to which the body of women gets special benefit. Body pain also ends completely. 

  इन वेज फूड से शरीर में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट की कमी हो जाएगी पूरी, जानें हेल्थ के लिए क्यों है जरूरी

Herbs added to the water of Loseh Aab

marigold flower h3>

Anti-inflammatories are found in large quantities in marigold flowers. Which calms the skin tissue. Also reduces pain to an extent.


Confri is a plant, which helps in reducing cramps in the body of women after pregnancy. .

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is rich in many medicinal properties and the anti-inflammatory properties present in it help in reducing inflammation of the body. Along with this, it also gives a lot of relief to the muscles. 


Licorice cures many diseases simultaneously. It cures bacteria in the skin. 


Kuruma is an antiseptic, the antioxidant properties of which reduce joint pain. 


Dudal is a herb that detoxifies the body and has these properties to lighten scars as well as make the skin glowing. 


Hanjraj is such a flower or plant, which has antifungal properties, it strengthens immunity and works to remove any kind of infection in the body.&nbsp ;


This is a flower, which has skin healing properties, it works to remove toxic substances from the body. 


Bunfsha is a purple colored flower, which cures itchy skin. 

Jujube fruit, sugar date

Both these things are anti-ageing elements, by applying or eating it  the skin starts glowing. Both these fruits are full of antioxidants. Which cures the problem of aging as well as sales damage. 

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