Keep wife’s attention like this during pregnancy, mutual love will increase and the child will be healthy

Lookafter tips During Pregnancy: During pregnancy, what a pregnant woman eats, how she lives in the environment, what she feels and what she thinks, all these things have an effect on the child growing in her stomach. This is the reason why some children are very calm and cheerful while some children are irritable and angry. Obviously, every parent wants our child to be cheerful and cheerful. Therefore it becomes necessary that you take extra care of your wife during pregnancy. So that he is completely free from all kinds of stress…

1. Maintain a Diary
For the couples who want to have a child, the news of pregnancy is going to make the atmosphere of the house pleasant. A few weeks are spent in celebrating this happiness and then the process of doctor’s appointments starts. What has the doctor advised for your wife, some medicines have been told, when and how to take it, after how many days to go for a checkup, how to take a diet, which things to eat more and which to avoid, all these Maintain a diary by making points of things.

2. Nutrition and Diet
The importance of nutrition and diet increases a lot during pregnancy. In this way, a healthy diet should always be taken so that you can remain healthy. But whatever a pregnant woman eats during pregnancy has a direct effect on the unborn child. In this way, the doctor tells you the right diet. But you also remember for your information that you definitely need most of the nutrients like iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin-D, vitamin-A and vitamin-C.

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To get these nutrients, you must include these foods in your daily diet.

  • green vegetables
  • green beans
  • fresh fruit
  • cheese
  • egg
  • Milk
  • Dried fruits, especially almonds and walnuts

Many times it happens when there is more deficiency of any nutrient in the body, then in this situation its deficiency is not fulfilled through food alone. In this situation you need supplements. Therefore, on the advice of the doctor, supplements of vitamin-B12, folic acid, magnesium, omega-3 may have to be taken. Be mentally prepared for these and do not panic considering them as medicines of some kind of complication. Be the strength of your wife and explain all these things to her.

Prepare yourself
Along with the wife, you also have to be mentally prepared for the fact that the new member coming to the house will need your full attention. Your wife alone will not be able to bear all the responsibility. In such a situation, keep talking to the family members in advance. Take the guidance of parents and relatives and see who can come to your support at that time.

Women often go through a phase of postpartum depression after delivery. At this time, they need a lot of mental and emotional support. Be aware of this. If the wife starts to remain silent, her appetite decreases, sleeplessness or problems like irritability and nervousness increase, then do not ignore them. Do talk to the doctor. Everything is easily controlled.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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