‘Key to losing weight’ is not diet or excessive exercise – best way to ‘shed pounds’

Following a healthy eating plan or sticking to a calorie deficit, along with regular exercise, can help lose weight. Express.es spoke with Nicholas Freer, training specialist at the fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics about the best training do to see maximum results.

Nicholas explained the best forms of exercises that can be done to lose weight.

He said: “Assuming fat loss is the desired weight, there are three things to consider.

“Energy balance: You will need to be in a caloric deficit, or burn more calories than you consume.

“This can be achieved by consuming fewer calories, increasing your activity level, or a combination of both.

“Include cardio and resistance training in your exercise plan.

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As for whether it’s better to do any specific exercises for weight loss, the expert said: “Exercises you enjoy!

“Unfortunately, there is no magic exercise to lose weight, the most important key to losing weight is consistency. This means training regularly, even if that starts with two days a week of walking.

“Finding an activity that motivates you to put on your workout clothes and perform will help you lose those pounds.

“However, if you’re short on time, aim for full-body exercises like push-ups, jumping jacks, burpees, or squats, as these can increase total energy expenditure compared to isolated exercises.

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“But remember, you won’t lose weight if you’re not in a caloric deficit at the end of the day or week.

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“Full body exercises are not an easy solution to weight loss, however they will help make your workout more time efficient and therefore help you stick to a routine more easily.”

In terms of how many times a week someone should exercise to lose weight, Nicholas said: “There is a general weekly recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activities such as walking, recreational swimming, and gardening, or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity. activities like HIIT, running, and jumping rope (all of which are found in the Freeletics app).

“It is also recommended to spread the trainings over at least three days a week to avoid injuries or excessive fatigue.

“Keep in mind that you will lose both fat and muscle during the weight loss phase and one of the best ways to prevent unwanted muscle loss is to incorporate resistance training into your weekly plan on a consistent basis.

“For this reason, incorporating some form of resistance training at least once or twice a week is recommended (these sessions count toward your 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 vigorous-intensity activity).”

A healthy weight loss goal is one pound per week, and you should aim for a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day to achieve it.

In terms of fat burning, one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories.

So if you want to lose a pound or two a week, you need to burn 500 or 1,000 calories a day.

Nicholas said, “You should try to achieve your caloric deficit through both calorie reduction (eating/drinking fewer calories) and increasing your physical activity per day (exercise).”

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