‘Key to losing weight!’ Michael Mosley’s clever hack ‘to prevent cravings’ & stop snacking

Dr Michael Mosley is the man behind the 5:2 diet Y fast 800 weight loss plans He has spent years researching how lose weight and thousands of people have successfully done so by following his diet and exercise advice. Controlling cravings can be tricky for anyone on a diet, luckily Dr. Michael has two ways to curb your urge for tasty treats and stay on track.

Dr Michael is a fan of scientific data, citing a recent survey that suggested Britons have “gained an average of 10 pounds since the pandemic hit”.

Exercise is an important part of weight loss.

Dr Michael said: “While exercise alone is unlikely to lead to weight loss, I’m afraid that’s what the studies show.

“[But exercise] it is absolutely vital in so many other ways: being active and fit means better health, a better mood and even a better sex life.”

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Cucumber or celery are also good snack options.

“I’m also satisfied with high-protein snacks like nuts or a bit of cheese,” added the expert.

Nuts promote heart health, but Dr. Michael recommends buying a small package, “like almonds or walnuts” instead of your favorite nuts, like salted peanuts, since you can “easily eat the whole package.”

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