Know the best hospital for the treatment of liver failure, and the name of the doctor? -GoMedici

Liver is considered to be the second most important organ of the human body. It performs many different and important functions in the human body. The liver works to convert the food we eat into energy and nutrients, it cleans the blood and also produces proteins. The liver also helps the body fight infection. The liver helps maintain normal body functions.

But when a person’s liver gets damaged, he has many problems. Most people have to face the problem of liver failure, if you have liver failure, then we will tell you the names of the best hospitals and doctors for its treatment. You can contact those hospitals and doctors through us. to contact a doctor Click here,

When the liver stops working, that person has to face some serious consequences. When this happens, a large part of the liver is completely damaged and due to this some people also lose their lives. Why liver failure happens and what are its symptoms will tell you about all these important factors. But first know the best hospital for this.

If you want to get treated in any of these hospitals then contact us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) can contact on

Best doctor for liver failure treatment in Hindi

  • Dr. Abhideep Choudhary, Senior Director and HOD, HPB Surgery and Liver Transplant, MBBS and MS (General Surgery).
  • Professor (Dr.) Subhash Gupta, Chairperson – Center for Liver and Biliary Sciences, Liver Transplantation, MBBS, MS.
  • Dr. Neeraj Saraf, Director – Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Institute of Digestive and Hepatobiliary Sciences, D.N.B. (Gastroenterology), M.D. (General Medicine), MBBS.
  • Sandeep Satsangi, MBBS, MD (General Medicine), DM (Hepatology), Consultant – Hepatology and Liver Transplant Physician.
  • Dr. Ravindra Nidoni, Consultant- Liver Transplant Surgery, MBBS and MS (General Surgery).
  • Dr. Vibhor Vinayak Borkar, Director, Pediatric Hepatology and Gastroenterology, MBBS, MD.
  • Dr. Bharat Kumar Nara, MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCh – Surgical Gastroenterology / G.I. Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Gastroenterologist, Intestine Surgeon, General Surgeon.
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You can consult with any of these doctors from us Click here,

What are the stages of liver failure? (What are the stages of liver failure in Hindi)

  • inflammation: In this stage, the liver becomes enlarged or swollen.
  • Fibrosis: This is the second stage of liver failure, in which the healthy tissue of the liver also starts to deteriorate along with inflammation.
  • Cirrhosis: In this condition, there is a serious wound in the liver, due to which the liver is unable to function properly.
  • End-stage Liver Disease (ESLD): Liver function has become so bad that the damage cannot be corrected except through a liver transplant.
  • Liver Cancer: Growth of unhealthy cells in the liver and can occur at any stage of liver failure, although in people with cirrhosis liver cancer risk is higher.

Symptoms of liver failure

Signs and symptoms of liver failure may include:

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • pain in right side of abdomen
  • abdominal bloating

  • a general feeling of feeling unwell (malaise)
  • to be delusional

  • having trouble breathing

Why does liver failure happen? (Why does liver failure happen in hindi)

There is no single reason for having liver failure, it is due to the spoilage of our whole lifestyle.

  • viral infection, such as hepatitis A, B, or E
  • Overdosage of Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • overuse of antibiotics
  • overuse of herbal supplements
  • metabolic conditions
  • Autoimmune conditions, such as autoimmune hepatitis
  • conditions that affect the nerves of the liver, such as Budd-Chiari syndrome
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How is liver failure diagnosed? (How is liver failure diagnosed in Hindi)

To diagnose liver failure, your doctor will start by taking your medical history and doing a physical exam. They may then do a variety of additional tests, including:

  • liver blood test
  • other blood tests
  • Imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scan or MRI scan

types of liver failure

There are two types of liver failure which include:

  • Acute Liver Failure

What is the treatment for liver failure? (What is the treatment for liver failure in Hindi)

Liver Dialysis: In the later stages of liver disease, a person may need liver dialysis. This process attempts to remove toxins from the bloodstream, which the liver is unable to make.

Liver Transplant: In cases of end-stage liver disease, that person may require a liver transplant. The procedure is complex and requires the patient to have a suitable donor.

If you want to get treatment for liver disease or want to get any kind of information related to it, then Click here or you us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) can contact on In addition, you can also email us at [email protected] regarding our services. Our team will contact you as soon as possible. We will get you treated in the best hospital.

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