Know when to get H3N2 test done, if you come positive then do this work

H3N2 Virus:  The cases of H3N2 virus are increasing rapidly in the country. People are falling prey to it. After cold and cough, doctors are advising to get tested for H3N2 virus. This is because H3N2 virus is causing cold and fever like seasonal diseases. That’s why it is difficult to understand without testing  Whether it is H3N2 virus or seasonal disease. Learn when to get tested for H3N2 virus after having a cold.

H3N2 क्या है

Whenever someone comes in the grip of H3N2 virus, then symptoms like common viral like cold, cold appear in it. Problems like vomiting and body pain can also occur along with fever, nasal congestion. Due to the grip of this virus, many times there is a complaint of low oxygen level, there is also severe pain in the muscles. This disease can be avoided by getting the H3N2 test done on time and treating such symptoms.

Disadvantages of not getting tested

According to the doctors, if we do not investigate this disease, then the correct figures are not available. In such a situation, it will be very difficult to deal with the virus. That’s why investigation is necessary. So that the virus can be treated at the right time. Like any common flu, this virus reaches each other through cold-cough and fever.

How is the H3N2 test done is

H3N2 virus spreads only through infection. It is only from the test that it can be known whether the symptoms of cold and cold are H3N2 virus or not. That’s why the test should be done. Like Corona, there is also a test for this virus. Samples are taken through nose and mouth, test like RT-PCR is also done in this. Whose report is available in a few hours. Physicians treat infections caused by the H3N2 virus with antiviral drugs.

What to do after being H3N2 positive

  • follow protocol like corona
  • Stay in isolation
  • Take medicines on doctor’s advice.
  • Follow the guidelines of ICMR.
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