Leaked Email Exposes Liver King, Earth’s Most Unnatural Man, For Monthly $16,000 Steroid Abuse

For as long as Liver King (real name: Brain Johnson) has been in the public spotlight, there have been suspicions of steroid abuse by anyone with a working pair of eyes.

This week, after endless denials, the 45-year-old “fitness charlatan” has been forced to face the music. A YouTube video titled ‘The Liver King Lie’ posted by Derek de More Dishes More Dates (see: below) revealed the extent of his deception, complete with an email/confession exchange detailing his steroid use.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the ongoing drama.

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Who the hell is Liver King?

With an impressive 1.7 million followers on Instagram and an even larger total of 3.5 million followers on TikTok, Liver King is a US-based bodybuilder who engages in controversial fitness influencer, who gained a following by preaching an “ancestral” and “primitive” lifestyle.

What the heck is “ancestral life”?

Essentially, Liver King has been preaching a steady organic diet of raw liver and testicles with a strict exercise regimen, all of which seemingly emulates how our ancient ancestors lived (side note: cap).

This is marketed as “ancestral life” to anyone gullible enough to believe it will produce Liver King-style jaw-dropping results; thinks Liver King is classy (natural); as well as throwing money at Liver King Ancestral Supplements online business.

The “vital pillars for a healthy and happy life” are the following:

  • Sleep
  • To eat
  • Move on
  • Shield
  • Connect
  • Cold
  • Sun
  • Struggle
  • Link

Leaked email from Liver King

Here’s a transcript of the leaked, headline-generating email:

  ब्लड शुगर कंट्रोल करने का सबसे सस्ता उपाय, सिर्फ 20 रुपए में हो जाएगा काम

Of: Brian Johnson (Liver King)[email protected]>
Date: Tue, June 29, 2021 at 9:05 AM
Theme: RE: Confidentiality… [REDACTED]

So excited. Thank you!

What is a good day and time for you to have our consultation??

I live in the Republic of Texas (Houston) so I’m CST/CDT (I think that’s 12 hours behind you). This is a top priority for me, so I’m canceling almost everything planned for this to happen with you. My preferred times are 7am, 8am or 9am on Wednesday CST, but I could easily make it to 6pm or 7pm almost any night. In your time, I think it’s 7pm, 8pm or 9pm on Thursday or 6am or 7am pretty much any morning of the week. Please check my math on that. Since that’s outside of your normal hours, I’m happy to make up for the trouble.

So let’s dig in…

As far as my goals go, I’m the face of several brands including Ancestral Supplements and I just hired a team to build the Liver King brand with a goal of 1 million followers by March 2022. I’m pouring ridiculous. resources to make this happen, including the host of a video guy, who will live in my guest house, and a film crew who will shoot 7 days a month… said, I have to stay in great shape throughout the year (maybe take 1 -2 months off/year). Here’s a clip of where I am currently:

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I have been training for 35 years. I know how to eat, train, rest, and recover (I even have a rigid hyperbaric chamber in my house)…but…as I hit my mid-40s it’s getting harder and the back fat is killing me. To support these extensive efforts, I have recently started taking Omnitrope… Empower Pharmacy’s 5.8 mg vials (US$11,000 / AU$16,000 per month for my new dosage, which is 4 vials/week – 16 vials/ month). I don’t know if this crap is way under dosed or what, but I’ve been taking 2 vials a week and my IGF-I is only at 139 (see recent labs below). My doctor told me I could double that in an effort to get to the top 200/bottom 300. Does she think she might be hyper unresponsive? I wonder if taking a large amount of other peptides could confuse the results and possibly interfere with efficacy. For example, this is what I am currently taking

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  • IGF-1 LR – I’ve been taking it for a year
  • CJC with Imap – I’ve been taking it for a year
  • Ibutamoren – been taking this for 2 months
  • Omnitrope – I have been taking it for 6 weeks
  • Try cyp 0.6cc per week (cruise dose)
  • Decca 0.6cc per week – I have been taking this for 3 weeks
  • Winstrol 50mg/day (just started this) – I’ve been taking it for 3 weeks

My blood sugar (every morning it’s around 74) and insulin are great because I’m metabolically fit, or so I think… some doctors think my insulin is too low, but I think it’s because I’m very sensitive to insulin because I work. like a fucking maniac, I mean, I train twice a day, 6 days a week, and walk 10-12 miles on my rest day. Can you help me bookmark the growth hormone and PED protocol to maximize results?

Leaked Email Exposes Liver King's $16,000 Monthly Steroid Abuse

Deny ’til you die: Liver King’s response to the allegations

In the past, Liver King’s denial has been in ironic jest. For example, during his appearance in the excuse my take podcast, he dodged the charge by saying, “I’ll be honest, I take PEDs—I prioritize, execute, and master every damn morning.”

Now that there is compelling evidence that it could cause quantifiable damage in dollars and cents, Liver King has been forced to respond in less simplistic ways.”

“In a weird way, I’m grateful for recent events that have shed light on this complicated as fuck subject,” Liver King said of his steroid abuse.

Still, we have yet to receive a substantial response that addresses everything that has happened in the past few days. Wait for updates.

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