Learn how to do mental exercise. – GoMedii

Exercise is an integral part of our life when physical fitness Exercise is very important and beneficial when it comes to mental health, but when it comes to mental health, exercise is considered very important. Any disease of the body destroys the enthusiasm of a man. Weak They do it and make it difficult to do daily work. Along with being physically healthy, mental health is equally important and to keep both healthy, doing yoga is considered a very important component.

Exercise is very beneficial for the mental health of any human being and sadness, anxiety And also keeps diseases away. All individuals should do yoga regularly on daily basis so that they can stay fit all the time. If a person is going through mental stress, he can be cured through yoga and this mental fatigue also go away.

  • Bhramari Pranayama: Negative emotions like doing this asana anger, irritability, frustration, and anxiety Decreases and increases concentration and memory. It is believed that self-confidence also increases by doing Bhramari Pranayama.
  • bridge easy: It brings strength through easy neck and spine stretch and also increases blood circulation in the brain and also relaxes the muscles. by easing the bridge anxiety, stress, and depression can be reduced.
  • Balasana: By practicing Balasana, negative thoughts are destroyed and positive thoughts are communicated. Balasana should be practiced for 1 to 3 minutes so that along with thoughts it also keeps the mind calm.
  • Uttanasana: From the practice of Uttanasana Stretch the Hips, Hamstrings, and Calves comes while the knees and thighs become stronger. It calms the mind and gives relief from nervousness due to increased blood circulation in the nerves. Its practice gives relief even when there is a problem of headache.
  • Sitting corner posture: During the practice of Upavishtha Konasana, the whole body becomes parallel to the ground. Due to this the level of blood becomes equal in the body. The heart has to work harder to pump blood towards the brain. this situation brain function helps to improve.
  • dead body: Shavasana mild depression, high blood pressure, Helps to overcome headache, fatigue, insomnia. Shavasana calms the nervous system and promotes harmony throughout the body. it’s for the brain complete There is asana. That is why it is considered the most difficult posture in yoga science.
  • Paschimottanasana: It is very easy to do this easy. It is very good to reduce the weight of the body and the mind remains calm and the power of the mind also increases.
  • Halasana: By doing this asana, a person stays away from mental stress and anxiety and keeps the mind calm.
  क्या माइक्रोवेव में खाना गर्म करने से पौष्टिक तत्व हो जाते हैं खत्म? ये है सच

What to do to remove mental stress?

  • Walking keeps your mood good and it is good for your mental health as well as your overall health But also gives very good effects. According to research, walking is a low intensity aerobic activity, which brings positive thoughts to your mind and increases alertness. if you three days a week 30 minute slow walk Or if you walk fast then you can get very good results.
  • swimming hole body workout Is. it’s your whole body and cardiovascular system It helps a lot to keep it straight. While doing this, a lot of calories are burnt. According to one study, multiple sclerosis people who followed a swimming program for 20 weeks had a significant reduction in body pain. At the same time, there was a significant improvement in symptoms such as fatigue and depression of these people.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults should get 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week.
  • one in bicycle medium intensity exercise By doing which your mood can be cured and you can be mentally more active. If you do cycling in the morning then it can be more effective for you.
  • Dancing comes under medium intensity workout. Dance produces positive mental health effects. At the same time, dancing in a group makes you feel connected to others, so it can also improve the mental condition of anyone. While dancing, the mood-enhancing chemical is released in the body and it gives you a lot of happiness. Which is mental health It helps a lot in reducing the related problems.
  She thought her mentally ill son would be safer in jail. Then he was beaten to death.

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