Learn How to Master the Assault Bike from a CrossFit Champion

If you’re CrossFit Games athlete Brittany Weiss, there may not be any team that generates a stronger reaction than the assault bike. The bike uses a fan to generate resistance, which means that the more you pedal, the more your body works. Due to the arm pump and pedaling used in the exercise, it provides a full body workout, aids in metabolic conditioning and increase stamina.

Brittany Weiss, a two-time CrossFit Games athlete, knows those benefits well, even as she has a love-hate relationship with the bike. she is a constant in her off-season training currently, and something that is beginning to dislike him so much.

Brittany Weiss spoke with Muscle and Fitness on why the assault bike can be for anyone looking to increase their performance and build their aerobic base. He also gave some helpful tips to make sure that get the most out of any workout which include the bike and provided one of his most recent workouts.

Assault Bike Benefits

I have a love/hate relationship with the Assault bike ([aughs]. I’m not a very powerful athlete so I can benefit from the assault bike. The bike is more about power output, how well you can give everything you’ve got and can you be fast on it. It’s not about me going to keep up and stay at this level. It is actually very good for improving your power output. One of my “favorite” workouts on the Assault bike is 20-30 sets of 30 seconds on 30 second rest. That’s giving everything you’ve got for 30 seconds, take 30 seconds and keep repeating it. You will also develop your motor, your aerobic base and your power.

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hop on and go

Every day, a workout has a machine. Right now, in the offseason, we’re doing things with machines that we’re not very good at, so the assault bike is very much in my routine right now (laughs). But I will say that I feel like the assault bike is something you can get on and just do it. It doesn’t take a lot of warming up, stretching, preparation and preparation for it. It’s something you can warm up to as you go. That’s why I love it for people who are on the fence about getting one. All you have to do is put on some headphones, get on the bike and start riding.

Brittany Weiss shares tips for adding some variety

If you want a leg pump, you can do five to 10 rounds, depending on where you are. Let’s say eight calories, 20 air squats with 60 seconds of rest in between. Repeat that for five to 10 rounds. At first, you’re doing air squats, and knowing that you’ve rested on the last eight calories helps you push yourself a little harder. You can do the same with burpees, or maybe add an EMOM. An EMOM from anywhere from 12 to 20 minutes. 45 seconds on the bike, rest 15 seconds. That’s the first minute. The second minute, 45 seconds of burpees, 15 seconds of rest, and you keep cycling for 12-20 minutes.

Knees in, drive down

I’ve seen a meme before that explains different techniques of the Assault bike and how it looks when they get tired. But I think the most important thing to focus on is not moving your body from side to side and letting everything wobble. For me, I focus on the knees and really drive down on the pedals. You also have your arms to use, so there is strength in your arms and legs. When you are pushing down, you are also pulling. You don’t want to stay relaxed anywhere. You can relax into the grip a bit, but you have to think about pulling on the handles, pushing down on the pedals, and keeping your knees square. Sometimes when I feel my knees buckle, you don’t put as much force into the pedals. On the assault bike, you want strength and power.

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Focus on your why when the going gets tough

I think about where I am and where I want to go. For me, it’s more about the message that I tell myself about where I want to go. Where I want to get to is not going to be easy, but if I can stay here and put my focus and all my energy here, it will only prepare me for where I want to be in my athletic career. . The mind is a big part of it. The way you talk to yourself is how you are going to act. If you go into a workout saying it’s going to suck or you’re not good at something, it’s going to suck and you’re not going to be good at it. If you get into something and tell yourself you can do it and have that positive self-talk, you’re going to exceed your expectations by far. I always try to encourage people by letting them know that the way you talk to yourself is important, and that’s how I approach every workout.

Brittany Weiss Carbs Ready For Recovery

Carbs! People are afraid of them. Carbohydrates are your friends in fitness and anything. A carb drink is what I would personally do. After hard workouts like that, I don’t like to eat. I would rather drink my calories. I feel like a lot of people are like that. When you do something high intensity, you’re not actually hungry. But your body needs food and nutrients to recover. I’m a big fan of a carb drink right after and you’ll be surprised how you feel after 30 minutes.

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Brittany Weiss Assault Bike Training

  • Weather: eight minutes
  • sets: 4-5 games
  • Goal: 60-80 calories as fast as you can. Rest for the rest of the time. Repeat after eight minutes have elapsed.

It’s really up to you how hard you want to push and how much rest you want to get before the next set. If I were giving a female/male relationship, guys are obviously more powerful. They are built differently, they are bigger, and they can put more force into it. Typically in a workout you would do 60 calories in eight minutes, guys would probably do 80 calories. This one is really really twisted. You do your first set and you’re happy you got it done in four minutes, but you find you have to do it over and over again.

Follow Brittany Weiss on @brittany_weiss

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