Life in your 30s: What you need to know about nutrition and health

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We cannot control everything about the aging process as our genes and certain environmental factors will have an impact on our bodies. However, we can focus on our diet, mental well-being, and exercise to promote a strong body and mind as we age.

Our priorities in our 30s can take a significantly different focus from when we are younger and back to when we are older. It is now that we are likely to be cementing our careers. As a result, we can get busier with strong determination and focus leading to burnout or burnout. It’s also a time when raising a family may be at the forefront of our minds, or we may already be trying to juggle careers and commutes alongside raising young babies. Our 30s can be a tiring and overwhelming decade. So much so that our main concern is probably not our nutritional health, but eating right will positively affect our 30s and over.

“After 30, most people will balance work, social life and exercise,” says Aveen Bannon, a registered dietitian at the Dublin Nutrition Center. “They may be thinking about having children or taking care of them, so routine is key. Let batch cooking be your best friend and consider planning meals for the next week. Stock up on healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, yogurt, nuts and seeds to curb hunger between meals. “

One of the main concerns in our 30s may be trying to conceive with little understanding of how our nutrition can play a role in improving our fertility.

Women should supplement with at least 10 micrograms of vitamin D and 400 micrograms of folic acid at least 12 weeks before trying to conceive.

“In terms of fertility,” says Bannon, “it takes two to tango, and therefore both men and women should try to optimize health and nutrition before trying to have a baby, especially since sperm takes two three months to mature and be reflected in our changes in diet and lifestyle ”.

Whether we are trying to conceive or not, a healthy, well-balanced diet will ensure that we do not approach the next decade sluggish, tired, and preoccupied with health problems that might otherwise have been avoided. A diet low in saturated fat, rich in fruits and vegetables, and with as little junk and processed food as possible is ideal.

Our 30s can be a tiring and overwhelming decade

Our 30s can be a tiring and overwhelming decade

When it comes to fertility, Bannon advises men to aim for their five a day with a focus on a range of colors of fruits and vegetables for a variety of nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin C that can reduce oxidative stress and improve health. sperm quality. Folate-rich foods like spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocado, and fortified breakfast cereals should also be incorporated into the daily diet, along with a focus on healthy fats like olive oil, avocado , nuts and seeds. In addition, it recommends reducing foods high in saturated fat, such as takeout food, chocolate, French fries, and reducing alcohol. Additionally, men should include a lot of fish and shellfish that provide omega 3, zinc, and selenium, all of which are important in supporting sperm quality.

Women should supplement with at least 10 micrograms of vitamin D and 400 micrograms of folic acid at least 12 weeks before trying to conceive, suggests Bannon. She reminds us that folic acid is recommended for all women of childbearing age, as 50 percent of pregnancies are unplanned and inadequate folic acid can lead to neural tube defects in babies. Bannon also suggests maintaining a BMI between 19-30 kg / m2 to support healthy ovulation and reducing caffeine to 200 mg per day, which is equivalent to two cups of coffee or three cups of tea, while noting that chocolate and energy drinks also contain caffeine.

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are a great source of omega-3s and also iodine, both of which are important for egg quality and baby development. Bannon also advises getting enough calcium, which is also important for embryo development. Calcium can be added to our diet through milk or plant-fortified alternatives, with yogurt and cheese being excellent sources. Iron deficiency is also common in menstruating women, so it’s also important to focus on getting iron from a variety of sources, including eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and beans.

The best foods to eat at 30
“Regardless of your age,” says Phytaphix founder and CSO Dr. Conor Kerley, “Irish research shows that average diets are too high in fat, especially saturated fat, sugar and salt. The average fruit and vegetable intake in Ireland is less than 2.5 servings a day, less than half the recommendation. Also, more than 80 percent of Irish adults don’t get enough fiber. Remember, fiber is only found in whole plant foods, like legumes, seeds, and nuts. Additionally, vitamin D is a nutrient of concern because the main source is the sun. Few foods contain vitamin D, so look for fortified foods and talk to a dietitian, pharmacist, or GP about a supplement. ”

Make exercise a priority by committing to a healthy regimen that will help you sleep better, have more energy, and positive mental well-being.

Folate is essential for supporting a healthy pregnancy and preventing neural tube defects, and it can also help reduce the risk of heart disease. Folate can be found in foods like chickpeas, avocados, orange juice, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, and fortified whole grains.

Lean beef, pork and beans are foods rich in iron along with fortified cereals that are necessary to prevent digestive problems and boost our immune system. Continue to strengthen your bones with calcium-rich foods and control your blood pressure with potassium-rich foods like potatoes, beans, and tomatoes.

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines are a great source of omega 3 and iodine

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines are a great source of omega 3 and iodine

Top tips for nutrition and health in your 30s

1 Cut calories from refined starchy foods, including sweets and sugars found in drinks and foods. Aim for foods rich in calcium, folic acid, and iron.

2 Avoid fad diets that lead to rapid weight loss followed by weight gain and something else. Dieting in this way has been recognized to increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and depression, with the potential for long-term weight gain.

3 Being 30 years old does not make you immune or less likely to get sick. Take the opportunity now to start testing for problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and be proactive in finding out if there is a family history of cancer or heart disease.

4 Make exercise a priority by committing to a healthy regimen that will help you sleep better, have more energy, and positive mental well-being. Exercising smarter, not harder, is what you should aim for.

5 It is recommended to reduce alcohol consumption after 30, as it can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the ovum and the quality and production of sperm.

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