Like outdoor walks? Here are 10 ways to make them even healthier.


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Walking has powerful effects on health. Studies show it can protect you against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Even a 15-minute walk can improve your mood, reduce stress, and help you sleep better.

Another benefit: Walking has a low risk of injury. Still, as you age, decreased reaction time, balance, vision, and hearing, and health problems like arthritis and neuropathy can make you more vulnerable to strains, sprains, and falls. These simple precautions can mitigate the risk.

Too big and they can be a tripping hazard. too tight and they can alter your gait, which can lead to pain in your ankle, knee, or even your back. If you have osteoarthritis, choose stable, supportive shoes over flat, flexible styles. When the researchers compared the two types, those who wore supportive shoes reported less joint pain, according to a 2021 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Even if you’re worried about injury or stamina, walking is almost always better than not walking, says David Sabgir, a cardiologist in Columbus, Ohio, who created the Walk With a Doc program to get his patients moving. Being sedentary does not protect you from injury. in a 2012 study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, the researchers compared athletes’ injury rates with an inactive control group over the course of a year. There was little difference. If you haven’t been active, start with 5 to 15 minutes of walking two to three times a week and gradually increase. You can also break up a walk into short walks, say, 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and still get the same health benefits.

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Go at an easy pace until your muscles and joints feel loose. Five minutes should be enough, but take as much time as you need.

Every 2,000 steps a day could help keep premature death at bay

4. Choose well-maintained routes

Uneven sidewalks or paths with rocks, roots, and ruts are tripping hazards. Even if you don’t have balance problems, you will reduce the risk of injury if you stay on level, paved roads. And pay attention when you come to a curb. in a National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Studycurbs contribute to more than 9,000 falls a year among older pedestrians.

Sabgir recommends them for anyone with balance issues. Poles provide stability and can take pressure off painful joints, so you’ll feel more confident and be able to walk farther and farther.

One of the most common changes that Lee Scott, a walking coach in Toronto, has seen in her older clients is that they begin to bend at the waist and lean forward as they pick up the pace or tire. “Core training improves posture, which improves gait and decreases the chance of tripping,” she says.

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Looking down can cause neck and back pain. Instead, keep your chin level with the ground and look 10 to 20 feet in front of you. You’ll reduce upper body stress and be able to see any obstacles in your way.

Although listening to music or audiobooks is often touted as a way to stay motivated when walking, it can divert your attention. Pedestrians distracted by music were less careful crossing intersections, according to a 2021 study in Accident Analysis & Prevention magazine.

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No matter what time of day you walk, make yourself visible. Wearing red, yellow, orange, or hot pink allows you to be seen by motorists, bicyclists, and skaters. If you must walk at dawn or dusk, add reflective gear and carry a flashlight.

Walking with others can be more enjoyable and help keep you grounded. It’s also a good security move because if you have a problem, there’s someone there to help. Grab a friend or join a walking club. Check with your community center or hospital to find a group in your area, or see if one of the free programs below has a group near you.

  • walk with a doc is a website that offers walks led by local doctors. The frequency varies from weekly to monthly.
  • the EverWalk Site offers monthly guided walks in about 30 states and ways to connect with other walkers.
  • girlTrek is a community of black women promoting health and hosting online walking events in various local areas.

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