Lily James on how becoming Pamela Anderson “screwed up” her mental health

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It’s been a few months since we collectively became obsessed with pam and tommystarring lily james Y Sebastian Stan in the title roles. There was a lot to talk about when it came to the Disney Plus series, from Tommy Lee’s talking penis – as much as his dick photo irl – and the epic transformations both actors made to get into character. And it is those transformations that have most impacted the stars of the series, particularly James, who says become pamela anderson it was a “fucked up process” that almost led to a breakdown.

“It was such a fucked up process,” James said. Mirror. “You just have to be patient with yourself. The hours are really long and you feel really drained. Your nervous system is like shit shot. I felt like a real mess at the end.”

The 33-year-old admits there was no off-screen break either, as she found herself so into Anderson’s character that she couldn’t separate him from herself. “I was going around in a blonde wig because I felt like I needed to hold on to it a little bit,” James recalled. “The difference between her and me was too extreme to go back and forth. So I had to stay in this no man’s land in the middle of Lily/Pamela most of the time. I was totally slipping into her voice.” .

The actor continued, “Even when I was out to dinner and I was ordering with the waitress or talking to my mom on the phone, I would be American.

“I think I’ve lost a lot of jobs, because I keep talking like Pamela at any audition.”

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Previously, James described its transformation into Baywatch Anderson icon as “liberator”despite getting up at 3 a.m. every day for a four-hour make-up session that involved putting on a chest plate, a fake tan, and a wig.

“I had never done anything before where I saw myself as very different from myself. And I would really like to continue in this vein, because I felt there was something very liberating about it,” she continued. “There was a bravery that came from that. A bravery that came from…disappearing.”

It was something the actor admits to missing when filming. pam and tommy It ended. “It was like being stripped of all these superpowers!” James said. “I really enjoyed the physicality and sensuality, even down to the long nails. There was so much character to hold on to, it was really exciting.”

For information, support and advice on mental health and where to get support, visit the Mind website at or call Mind’s Infoline on 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm).

Jade Biggs (she/her) is the features writer for Cosmopolitan UK and covers everything from breaking news and the latest royal gossip, to the health and fitness trends taking over your TikTok feed.

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