Long Covid: The activity shown to make symptoms worse in 75 percent of cases – study

a new study of 500 prolonged Covid patients by a leading British university found that 75 per cent of patients reported how physical activity worsened their symptoms. A co-author of the study, Dr. Manaj Sivan, a professor of medicine at the University of Leeds, concluded that for a long time COVID-19 has an unusual relationship with exercise compared to other conditions.

For many chronic conditions, like heart disease, asthma, diabetes, and more, exercise can help. In asthma, exercise can limit the number of asthma attacks.

But in Covid, physical activity can lead to excessive shortness of breath and even more complications.

Although current understanding of the disease is limited, British medical journal (BMJ) explained that the first risk is the possibility of cardiac injury, including viral myocarditis.

Myocarditis refers to inflammation of the heart caused by Covid. Exercising even more with this condition can lead to serious complications, including death.

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The BMJ’s advice after a Covid infection is “only return to exercise after at least seven days without symptoms, and start with at least two weeks of minimal effort.” However, the advice for prolonged Covid is a bit less clear.

Based on the results of the Leeds study, Sivan said: “There needs to be careful planning and a tailored structured program to get active again.”

Since the start of Covid, scientists have learned more and more about the effect of the virus on the body and why it causes symptoms like fatigue.

a recent one to study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that energy-producing structures, the mitochondria, in the body did not function properly in prolonged Covid.

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How to reintroduce exercise safely after a long Covid

The World Health Organization has published a self-management booklet on prolonged Covid. Offers advice on how to return to physical activity safely.

They recommend returning to exercise in five phases, staying in each phase for at least a week before moving on to the next.

The phases of the return to exercise:

  1. Preparation for return to exercise: light walking, balance exercises, controlled breathing
  2. Low-intensity activity: walking, light housework or gardening
  3. Moderate-intensity activity: brisk walking, going up and down stairs, jogging
  4. Moderate-intensity exercise with coordination and functional skills: running, cycling, swimming, dance classes
  5. Return to your basic exercises: regular exercise

For more details: read the WHO handbook.

However, the brochure warns that if you experience any “red flag” symptoms, such as chest pain or dizziness, you should stop immediately and not restart your exercise program until you have been seen by a healthcare professional.

“No exercise should be painful. If you experience pain, chest pain, or feel weak or dizzy during exercise, you should stop immediately and not restart your exercise program until seen by a healthcare professional. “

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