Lower your blood pressure with easy exercise shown to be better than medication

High blood pressure is a serious condition that requires careful monitoring to keep it under control. A simple exercise has been shown to reduce your reading, and it can be just as powerful as medication.

The risk of hypertension can be reduced with a simple exercise at home (

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Having a firm grip says a lot about a person and can often make a good first impression.

But it turns out that having strength in your hands does more than portray a macho image and could help both men and women who suffer from high blood pressure.

high blood pressure it is a common condition and can be the precursor to serious and life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks or stroke.

How can hand exercises help lower your reading?

High blood pressure, sometimes called hypertension, increases a person’s risk of having a race and generally increases as a problem with age.

Researchers find isometric grip training helps lower a person’s blood pressure


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Typical treatment and recommendations for those with hypertension include certain medications such as beta blockers and a change in diet.

Exercise is also vital, and in fact, for many years, doctors have known that increasing hand strength could work just as well as medication.

This is where grip strength training comes in and could help reduce the dangers associated with high blood pressure.

Hand grips work aggressively to strengthen the muscles in your fingers, palm, and wrist.

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Isometric manual training is a way of classifying exercises that recruit the muscles of the hand and exert tension without lengthening or shortening the muscle.

In an isometric contraction, the muscle contracts but does not change in size.

What is isometric grip training?

In a study published in the National Library of Medicine, isometric grip home training was investigated to help lower blood pressure.

The research found that isometric grip training was superior to traditional resistance and strength training in reducing resting systolic blood pressure.

In fact, in just 20 weeks of handgrip training, there were noticeable changes in blood pressure readings.

In another study with Canada’s McMaster University, participants performed 10 handgrip exercises three times a week for eight weeks, working at 30% of their maximal voluntary contraction.

The researchers found that manual exercises helped significantly lower systolic blood pressure, which is the top number in a blood pressure reading, and is when the heart pumps blood to the rest of the body.

Ultrasound measurements of the vessels also showed that one of the body’s main arteries became more flexible with these exercises and also less stiff.

More flexible vessels are a sign of healthy blood vessels.

“The results of this study indicate that isometric grip exercises improve resting systolic blood pressure,” the researchers wrote.

How to do isometric grip training

A resistance bar or band should be squeezed with one hand for two minutes.

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Rest two minutes and switch to the other hand, doing two sets for each hand.

To get the maximum effect from the exercise, you should hold for two minutes at 30% of your maximum effort.

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