Make these changes in daily life to avoid body pain and heaviness

How to avoid laziness: After January passes and with the arrival of February, the winter season starts to go away. Because from February to mid-March, sometimes there is more winter and sometimes there is a period of hot summer. The effect of this changing season is also visible on the body. You can identify this in such a way that you feel yourself more lazy and tired. There is a problem in focusing on any work and there is also a problem in understanding things and taking decisions. Learn about why this happens and how to avoid it here…

Why does laziness come?

According to Ayurveda, phlegm starts increasing in the body in the changing season. Increased Kapha increases heaviness in the body and due to this the problem of laziness starts. When the problem of laziness and heaviness occurs together, then it affects your focus and there is a problem in doing any work diligently.

How to avoid laziness and heaviness in the body?

  • You can use Triphala Churna in two ways to feel freshness and energy. The first is to take this powder and mix it with a little multani mitti or honey and scrub it on the skin. This increases blood circulation in the skin and brings freshness.
  • Consume Triphala Churna in quarter teaspoon or half teaspoon quantity after meals. This improves digestion. If you don’t want to eat it, you can chew green cardamom or suck a tablet of myrobalan after eating. 
  • In the changing season, the heavy nature food eaten during winter can be avoided. Goodbye should be started slowly. For example, sweets made of gond laddoos, seeds laddoos, mawa and khoya. Instead of these, a salad of raw vegetables should be included in the day’s diet.
  • Include beans in your diet. Start slowly re-incorporating light-feeling vegetables into your diet. Start stopping the consumption of heavy flour like rice flour, millet flour etc. gradually.
  • Reduce sweet food. The intake of tea and coffee increases to a great extent in winter, but now you should start consuming herbal tea and buttermilk. Always drink buttermilk in the afternoon.
  • When tiredness and laziness are too much, take steam. Because by taking steam, the body feels very light and the energy level increases. Because steam works to detox the skin and body.
  Do not forget to eat these food items with medicine, otherwise it may cause harm.


Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Diabetics can also eat this type of rice, which does not increase sugar but controls it!

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