Make weight loss drink by mixing these five things… Fat will melt like butter

Summer Weight Loss Drink: Losing weight is a difficult task, but it becomes even more difficult in summer. Because people do not want to do workouts amid heat and rising temperature, people avoid workouts due to problems like lethargy, fatigue, sweating, and in such a situation, their weight loss mission gets pushed. But there is no need to worry because we are giving you information about such a drink, by consuming which you can lose weight. Till now if you have been drinking hot water to control weight, then add some more ingredients to it. Do it and drink it by making a drink. Drinking this improves weight loss and metabolism. Let’s know the recipe for making summer weight loss drink and its benefits.

summer weight loss drink


  • a cup of water
  • lemon one or half
  • Sabja seeds half teaspoon
  • honey one teaspoon

how to make

  • First of all heat one cup of water lukewarm.
  • Add lemon, vegetable seeds, honey to it and mix all the ingredients.
  • Leave this mixture like this for 30 minutes.
  • Then consume it.

benefits of sabja seeds

The vegetable which is called Tulsi seed. It is rich in alpha linolenic acid, which stimulates fat burning metabolism in the body. The fiber present in sabja seeds helps in burning fat by reducing the absorption of fat and carbohydrates in the body. Sabja seeds are also low in calories and contain nutrients like vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. These are completely beneficial for the body.

Lemon- The test of lemon is sour. It promotes digestion. Improves appetite and metabolism. By consuming it, the body detoxes well, which helps in burning fat.

Honey-It has been found in many research that honey helps to work appetite and burn calories faster, it is an ayurvedic fat burner which removes the craving of eating sweets.

lukewarm water Drinking lukewarm water stimulates metabolism and this helps in burning fat. Apart from this, it also breaks down fat molecules, due to which the digestive system also improves.

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