Man Tests Positive For Monkeypox, COVID And HIV At The Same Time

New Delhi: A 36-year-old man in Italy has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19, monkeypox and HIV at the same time. A person diagnosed with three types of infection had recently returned from Spain. He developed symptoms nine days after returning from his five-day trip.Also Read – Will increasing cases of monkeypox lead to HIV? Can the virus spread from humans to dogs? Top ICMR Scientific Answers

According to a report published in the Journal of Infection, the person developed “fever, sore throat, fatigue and headache.” He tested Covid positive three days after experiencing the first symptoms.

The patient also developed a rash on his “left hand”. Following this, “painful vesicles surround the rash on the patient’s torso, lower limbs, face, and glutes,” according to a Newsweek report.

The patient was admitted to the emergency department of San Marco University Hospital in Catania where he tested positive for HIV and monkeypox. The man was later discharged after recovering from monkeypox and covid.

“This case shows how monkeypox and COVID-19 symptoms can overlap, and supports how in cases of co-infection, anamnestic collection and sexual habits are crucial to make a correct diagnosis,” the researchers said.

“Of note, monkeypox oropharyngeal swabs were still positive after 20 days, suggesting that these individuals may be infectious for several days even after clinical remission. Consequently, physicians should encourage appropriate precautions,” it added.

Symptoms reported by the patient

  • fever
  • dry throat
  • tiredness
  • headache
  • Painful vesicles
  • Chakama

Brief: A 36-year-old man in Italy was diagnosed with covid, HIV and monkeypox at the same time.

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