Man who said he heard demons before killing grandmother sentenced to life in mental health facility

JANESVILLE, Wis. — A man who admitted to killing his grandmother after claiming he saw and heard demons could spend the rest of his life in a mental health facility.

Rock County Judge Barbara McCrory ordered 37-year-old Jamie Beggs to be committed for the rest of his life, but with the possibility of being released after at least 25 years. If Beggs were ever released from the mental health facility, he would be on probation for the rest of his life.

“It’s a lifelong battle for you and it’s been a battle you’ve been losing for a while, unfortunately,” Judge McCrory told Beggs during his sentencing hearing Wednesday. “This is your chance to address it. This is your chance to keep moving forward.”

Beggs has been diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenic disorder, as well as a personality disorder and substance use disorders. He was previously admitted to the Mendota Mental Health Institute after reporting hearing voices.

He pleaded guilty earlier this month to kill her grandmother, Kathleen Beggs, last summer in Town of Center in what prosecutors and investigators called a “extraordinarily violent case”.

RELATED: ‘The demons are in my head’: Bail set at $100K for Rock County man accused of killing his grandmother

Jamie Beggs reportedly said there were demons in his head and asked someone if he could see the demons before saying that his grandmother was in the garage, where his body was found.

Beggs reportedly told police that his grandmother was a martyr and that her death would grant her sainthood. He says he was supposedly hearing voices and seeing demons for 6-8 months before he killed her.

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