Manchester’s Feel Good Club Is Hosting Free Therapy Sessions This World Mental Health Awareness Day

Sometimes we forget that our mental health It is as important as our physical health. Unlike a bruise that can gradually heal and fade, our mental well-being can’t just do the same, but talking about it is a great start. Fortunately, Personal space Y feel good club they are here to lend a listening ear.

Since launch, street therapy service Self Space has made it their mission to make access to therapy defiantly easy with no waiting lists, availability seven days a week with more than 70 qualified therapists through sites in London, Manchester and across the country virtually. For World Mental Health Awareness Day this year, Self Space partners with its lovely friends feel good club by taking over the Manchester space in Monday October 10 and offering free 30 minute therapy sessions to the curious and in need of a good talk with a qualified person.

Credit: own space

1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health condition at some point in our lives. The conversation and call to action has never been more important. After launching the world’s first street mental health service this year, Self Space is opening the doors of the therapy rooms and inviting them to participate in World Mental Health Awareness Day.

There are many barriers to accessing mental health support, most of them well-known like six-month waiting lists or limited finances, some less so, like fear of the unknown or not feeling “low enough.” All Self Space barriers are working hard to navigate with no waiting lists, flexible reservations seven days a week Y community workshops.

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Self Space’s mission is simple and offers direct access to therapy. At their flagship locations in Shoreditch and a pop-up with Manchester Feel Good Club partners, Self Space are opening free 30-minute sessions with their team of qualified experts offering the opportunity to take a moment to pause , reflect, reconnect and discover what therapy is all about. Self Space will open over 100 sessions at both locations and you can book your session here.

Find the Self Space pop-up at the Feel Good Club, 26-28 Hilton Street, M1 2EW, on Monday 10th October from 7:30am to 9:30pm


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