Menstrual Myth Busted: You Should NOT Exercise During Periods? Here’s What We Know

Menstruation Is a natural process; However, due to lack of scientific knowledge, there are numerous myths and misconceptions about menstruation. A similar common belief exists that a woman should not engage in physical activity during the onset of menstruation. Irrational beliefs demand that women relax and endure unbearable pain in silence.Also read – How to make your periods less painful: 5 remedies to try

Physical activity and any kind of exercise is the last thing women are advised to do when they are menstruating, although doing any kind of activity during the menstrual period has been scientifically proven to relieve many symptoms like menstrual pain, cramps, mood swings, nausea. . , Fatigue, and even depression. Also read – Painful cramps? 5 foods to avoid during your periods cycle

Participating in a variety of physical activities benefits women of all ages, shapes and abilities. Being physically active helps women gain and maintain a healthy weight, increase strength and gain much needed endurance to continue during periods. Here are some physical activities you can take part in during your periods: Also read – Monthly Hygiene Day 2022: Avoid these 9 mistakes during the period

Mild exercise

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and primary dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps or period pain) are the two most common menstrual disorders and both can adversely affect a woman’s performance during menstruation. The first few days of menstruation can be the most painful because women bleed a lot during this time. That is why gentle movements and exercises should be preferred. According to a study, women who engage in aerobic exercises such as walking and running experience a reduction in PMS symptoms. Exercising during menstruation improves mood and increases blood circulation. Also, exercise can help with the cramps, headaches and back pain associated with menstruation.

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Yoga and Pilates

Yoga can act like a medicine and help relieve symptoms such as cramps, breast tenderness, muscular fatigue and pain by calming the body. Pilates, which is a more gentle form of exercise that strengthens the body and can be an ideal exercise when on period. Pilates is more effective than aerobic exercise in reducing stress and balancing brain chemicals as well as relieving the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS.

Strength training

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that a person should remain inactive during menstruation. Strength training is a wonderful form of activity for the time when the period date is left. Research has proven that strength training during the follicular phase can help increase the strength of bones, muscles and connective tissue.

It is perfectly normal to listen to a person’s body and take a break during the period if a person notices that his body is not functioning as it should. As well as each woman’s body works differently and optimally

A physical workout is one that suits one well. Working out during the period should not put extra burden on the body and should not cause pain or interruption in the period cycle. When doing any kind of work inside or outside the house, it is strongly advised to use pads, menstrual cups, tampons and maintain good menstrual hygiene.


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