Mental Health: How Childhood Trauma Impacts You With These 7 Habits You May Not Be Aware of?

Trauma shows up differently for each person, but they are common signs that sometimes get unnoticed. Knowing them early can help a therapist determine the best ways to help.

Mental Health: How Childhood Trauma Impacts You With These 7 Habits You May Not Be Aware of?

Trauma is a wound, we just can’t see it as clearly as physical wounds. According to trauma healing therapist, Emmylou Antonieth Seaman “Have you ever wondered why your actions and thoughts sometimes seem incomprehensible, as if they belong to someone else entirely? Growing up in a dysfunctional family or experiencing childhood trauma can embed deep-seated patterns within us, hidden from our conscious awareness. This can create a sense of mystery, leaving us feeling frightened and out of control, often resorting to destructive behaviours to avoid confronting these hidden truths. In such environments, our ability to cope and make sound decisions is naturally impaired. As young children, we learn primarily through observation and imitation, absorbing the dynamics around us. This can lead to poor coping skills and a lack of understanding regarding our own behaviors. It becomes a challenging task to trust ourselves when we don’t even comprehend the reasons behind our actions or the timing of our emotional shifts.”

She added “Our innate need for control and competence is essential for our well-being and survival. However, when we encounter aspects of ourselves that feel unacceptable, embarrassing, or out of control, fear intensifies. We crave understanding, yet we also fear it. It can be overwhelming to face the truth and embark on a journey of healing, as change itself can be daunting It’s crucial to acknowledge that embracing change and healing takes immense strength. Despite feeling overwhelmed or remorseful about our past, there might be resistance to exploring our hidden selves and learning healthier ways to manage our impulses and reactions. However, by gradually unravelling the layers of our experiences, we can begin to reclaim our sense of self, find healing, and move towards a more empowered and fulfilling life.”

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Therapist Shares 8 Hidden Habits of People Who Experienced Childhood Trauma:

  1. Shutting down emotionally, withdrawing and forcing yourself to “not care” anymore when faced with confrontation or during an argument.
  2. Laughing even when you are hurt, because you don’t want people around you feeling uncomfortable.
  3. Being okay having your decisions overridden by others and believing they know best.
  4. Can easily cut people out of your life and stop caring about them.
  5. Laughing or smiling every time you make a comment to your parents, so they don’t immediately start getting offended over everything you say.
  6. Saying ‘I am sorry all the time.’
  7. Having three or four different responses ready for every conversation in advance just to prepare what might come.
  8. Shutting down because you have to work out the ‘perfect response’ in real time.

No matter when you experienced abuse in your life, it is never too late to seek help from a professional.

Published Date: September 15, 2023 6:22 PM IST




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