Mental health institute to send docs to govt hosps in all dists | Delhi News – Times of India

New Delhi: To facilitate access to services related to mental health and neurological diseases, the Institute of Human Behavior and Related Sciences (IHBAS) plans to send its doctors to state hospitals in all 11 districts of the capital.
doctor Rajinder K. Dhamijawho recently took over as director of the institute, said the move was aimed at ensuring that patients do not have to travel far.
“While we have OPDs at the institute, having a counselor at the state hospitals in each district will help those who cannot travel to IHBAS. In accordance with the instructions of the state government, we will send our experts to 11 hospitals to investigate cases of psychiatric illnesses,” said Dr. Dhamija.
The lead physician, who is also chairman of movement disorders at World Federation of NeurorehabilitationHe was honored this Monday by the central government for his work in the communication of science and technology in the matter.
As part of its community-level outreach, IHBAS is running “mobile mental health units” in all districts of the city, said Dr. Dhamija. “For this purpose, we purchased 11 ambulances and also completed the recruitment of 40 people, including doctors,” he added.
Pointing to the increasing burden of neurological diseases with an aging population as the reason behind the push for mental health units, Dr. Dhamija said: “Successful management of brain disorders through information-based primary care clinics community requires orientation and training of health workers. This should be followed by follow-up, continuing education and regular support of clinics by secondary and tertiary facilities. This is what IHBAS will do.”
Pointing to the impact of the pandemic, Dr. Dhamija said that a large part of the population, especially vulnerable groups, developed mental health problems during this period and required intervention. He added that the IHBAS will be developed as a center for policy formulation in behavioral sciences and neurosciences. “Soon it will have a disaster management and psychosocial rehabilitation center for the post-Covid era,” he added.
Dr. Dhamija said that IHBAS will introduce more facilities for patient care in the coming days. “We will increase psychiatric care and develop child and adolescent psychiatry. There will also be psychiatry units for the elderly, addictions and forensic medicine. We will also develop emergency neurosurgery and crisis management teams,” he added.

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