Mental health must follow physical fist aid onto the curriculum

St John Ambulance led the campaign to put physical first aid into the curriculum, writes a Year 13 volunteer, and now it must do so again with mental health.

St John Ambulance led the campaign to put physical first aid into the curriculum, writes a Year 13 volunteer, and now it must do so again with mental health.



Mental health problems among young people are at record levels. According to the NHSone in six in every classroom in England is struggling with a probable mental health condition.

But young people themselves can be part of the solution. St John Ambulance recently published research that found that 10-17 year olds wanted mental health first aid taught in schools.

It was St John Ambulance that successfully campaigned for physical first aid to be taught in schools and as a result lifesaving skills were added to the curriculum in 2020. It is now clear that first aid skills for health mental are a necessary additional component.

This became especially evident during the Covid pandemic. Disruptions in education and routine, reduced social interactions, and long periods of isolation were a major strain for many, and the effects are still being felt.

Science and physical education lessons, as well as initiatives such as healthy eating weeks and walk to school days, are part of a curriculum that successfully teaches how to take care of your physical health. And physical health is an important factor in maintaining mental health, but education about self-care, social skills, and resilience are often overlooked, though just as important.

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In February of this year, St John Ambulance held a focus group with principals, teachers and teaching assistants. The research explored the different types of support staff receive to address the mental health of their students and how the curriculum supports young people. While many encouraged that their schools offer wellness tools and resources, many said staff were not offered mental health training.

This lack of training has a direct impact on young people. According to investigation by the mental health charity, Mind published in June this year, 96 per cent of students have felt that their school work has been affected by their mental health. However, two-thirds said they did not receive mental health support from their school.

The lack of teacher training has a direct impact on young people

Therefore, it is vital that teachers are well informed and trained in mental health awareness and how to discuss mental health issues with their students. What better environment could there be for all young people to gain key life skills through those critical conversations? For the most vulnerable, is there any other similar environment in their lives? Students need to feel confident that they are well supported at school, and teachers need to feel secure in providing that support as well.

As a St John volunteer, I have been involved in helping to develop young responders, a £1 million program made possible by funding from the Town Postcode Lottery to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds improve their life-saving skills. Young Responders is a peer-to-peer program, designed by youth for youth, that teaches first aid for street crime injuries, acid attacks, drug awareness, as well as mental health and resiliency awareness and mental health first aid.

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In developing the Young Responders mental health content, I gained first-hand information on the areas that young people considered important. The content of the programme, therefore, not only includes how to safely deal with an emergency situation and guidance on the most common mental health conditions, but also includes topics such as eating disorders and bereavement. Incorporating the views of young people throughout the process means that the programme, when it rolls out later this year, will be much more impactful and relevant when delivered to underserved communities in London, the West Midlands and the North East.

St John Ambulance is teaching young people to look out for the warning signs of well-being, but also to build confidence and give them the tools to overcome challenges. Until teachers are given the resources and time to integrate mental health first aid as they have physical first aid, we are here to help.




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