Mercedes star Lewis Hamilton told about “fantastic escape” to help mental health

Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has opened up about his mental health issues recently, but former driver David Coulthard believes a solution is very close.

Lewis Hamilton has been unable to challenge Ferrari and Red Bull for pace so far this season (

Image: Getty Images)

David Coulthard has said Lewis Hamilton that you can use F1 to exorcise any mental health issues.

The Scotsman, now a respected pundit, believes the Stevenage ace can overcome the stresses and strains of everyday life by throwing himself into the sport.

Hamilton, 37, has hinted at the issues he has been working through to maintain his position at the top with Mercedes and wrote in a Instagram post a few weeks ago: “It’s already been such a rough year with everything going on around us, some days it’s hard to stay positive. I have struggled mentally and emotionally for a long time.

“Moving forward is a constant effort but we have to keep fighting. We have a lot to do and achieve.” But Coulthard believes that if he focuses on making up ground on the early pioneers, seven-time world champion Hamilton can use it to both his and the Silver Arrows’ advantage.

He said: “Lewis has other things in his life, there were comments about his mental health, and these are all things that affect people in their daily lives. Now he might find that F1 is a fantastic escape from that. Obviously, it could be a burden. I wouldn’t want to comment either way, but it will be interesting to see how he approaches the task of developing a car.”

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David Coulthard has given his opinion on the situation of Lewis Hamilton



Coulthard said Hamilton’s teammate George Russell will not be carrying the same baggage, and will simply face each obstacle on its own merits. He added, “George will get down to business. He is young, he still has bright eyes and a bushy tail and he has all the energy that comes with being a 20-year-old man.”

And the former McLaren driver added that the season’s rule changes have only added to the drama of the new campaign with the controversy of the last one still fresh in mind. He said: “What was predicted was that a major change would bring the network closer due to the budget cap. That is not necessarily the case.

“Ferrari has come into the game, Haas and Alfa Romeo, by the way, that makes Valtteri Bottas’ position look visionary, it gives those hard-working teams some skin in the game. Now they have cars that are in the top ten, which can only be good for the sport.

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