Mike O’Hearn Discusses ‘Natural’ Physique with Kenny KO: ‘It’s Not Genetics, I’ve Been Low Testosterone My Entire Life’ – Fitness Volt

If anyone is drinking from the fountain of youth, Mike O’Hearn is certainly one of the top contenders. In a recent video, O’Hearn defended her claim to being natural while speaking with fitness influencer Kenny KO.

Mike O’Hearn sports a big, shredded physique at 53. Some of his best attributes are his size and aesthetics, which he has managed to maintain throughout his life, not just during his bodybuilding career. These qualities also helped him break into other sports and entertainment industries. From modeling, bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, and acting, O’Hearn has done it all. As a bodybuilder, he managed to win the Mr. Universe title four times during his heyday.

Even while training a strong man, O’Hearn proved his worth alongside a crop of elite competitors. He has trained with the four times strongest man in the world. brian shaw. The two recently performed a series of exercises designed to build bigger, fuller chests.

In addition to his success in bodybuilding and strength sports, O’Hearn quickly made waves as an actor. From 1989 to 1996, O’Hearn played the roles of Thor and Titan on the hit television series. american gladiators. O’Hearn returned in 2008 for the revival of the popular show.

Despite getting a little older, O’Hearn is committed to staying in shape throughout the year. The popular bodybuilder routinely shares his training on social media O’Hearn showed off her seemingly timeless strength recently with a 385-pound close-grip bench press for ten reps in the company of NFL analyst Heath Evans.

Given his ripped physique over the years, many people including the fitness influencer. kenny knocked out, are raising questions about whether or not Mike has an all-natural physique. These concerns prompted the Washington native to discuss the matter in more detail.

Mike O’Hearn credits consistency and training as the secret to maintaining the natural state

In an interview with fitness influencer Kenny KO, Mike O’Hearn explained how he is able to maintain such a ripped physique despite being in his 50s.

Kenny KO began the video by directly asking O’Hearn if he uses Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

“Actual question. Are you really on TRT? kenny knocked out I ask Miguel.

“What would be the point, though?” he said O’Hearn.

O’Hearn expressed doubts about testosterone decreasing as males get older, but Kenny KO told him that it is a scientific fact.

“Because men’s hormone levels drop as they age.” Kenny explained. “It’s medical science.”

In response, O’Hearn fired back with his own question.

“No, they do not do it. No, they do not do it. Mike O’Hearn said. “What is low?”

After saying he doesn’t use TRT, O’Hearn explained that most men, especially bodybuilders, peak physically in terms of strength in their mid-30s or early 40s.

“Late 30’s or early 40’s. Best strength is when? Late thirties. So again, you don’t even function at that point. At your strongest, fucking juicy and strong, were you ever stronger than me at 14 or 15? Why? I just got out of puberty. I was entering puberty and coming out of puberty. Why weren’t you stronger than me in the shit? Mike O’Hearn asked.

Kenny KO gave a detailed explanation to O’Hearn’s question, highlighting his efforts as an athlete throughout his life.

“Alright, let’s start first, I’ve never trained weightlifting. I have never had a coach or anyone who has taught me the fundamentals or technique to lift more weight. My background was always soccer, sports performance, lowering my 40 [yard dash] time, able to run faster. I never really had the need or desire to push more weight.” Kenny said, speaking about the video of him recorded with O’Hearn.

O’Hearn on being natural during bodybuilding career: ‘Everything I was doing was drug tested’

In the next segment of the video, O’Hearn was asked if he was a natural as a teenager and during his bodybuilding career.

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“How could I compete my entire career doing drug tests, TV shows? Everything he was doing was drug tested and never… Mr. Universe, Mr. America, Mr. USA, California twice. he said O’Hearn. “So, all those shows, over two decades of drug testing, and at no point, even when I was going through puberty, were you stronger than me.” O’Hearn declared.

While the conversation seemed contentious at times, O’Hearn told Kenny that he appreciated what he was doing.

“So, the point is that you closed your opportunity. All seriousness aside. I love what you’re doing. Don’t stop what you’re doing, but stop… all the kids out there saying ‘maybe yes’. I love being around such wild people.”

Mike O'Hearn and Kenny KO
Mike O’Hearn and Kenny KO

Kenny KO insists that everyone push their physique as far as possible while remaining natural.

“I think everyone should push their physique as far as they naturally can. I mean, if you don’t have a bodybuilding career, why take stuff? Why be detrimental to your health? Kenny shared.

According to O’Hearn, there are too many factors at play when it comes to determining whether or not someone has a natural physique. He pointed out to a muscular 45 year old woman in her gym that she just had a baby but she is in better shape than Kenny KO. O’Hearn says there are many ‘possibilities’, but the ‘social media guys’ always boil it down to ‘drugs or no drugs’.

“There is a great thing here that you never see. I am surrounded by the most elite athletes and have been since I was a teenager, in the world. And elite athletes, there are better guys walking around the world, who don’t train, who look better than you. There is a 45-year-old lady who had a son, who looks better than you. You train. you’re a man. My point is there’s such a level of possibility and the guys on social media shut that shit down and say ‘No. No. It’s with drugs or without drugs. There’s a Mr. Olympia walking around who doesn’t even train and looks better than all of us and eats donuts.” Mike O’Hearn said.

O’Hearn rules out genetics, says ‘Day After Damn Day’ training built his physique

While genetics obviously play a role in a person’s ability to stay fit as they age, O’Hearn says it’s possible to stay ‘healthy and strong’ throughout life by training hard and never ‘stopping’.

“You can be healthy all your life. You can be strong for life. You can do things if you start young. Because I don’t want anyone to say, ‘Shoot, I want to look like you when I’m 60.’ It has nothing to do with what I’m doing. It has everything to do with what I did as a teenager. Then, I did it day after day after fucking day. Then I did it one more day, and I never stopped.”

After speaking about the sacrifices required to maintain his physique, O’Hearn emphasized that his results are not a byproduct of genetics. He added that he has had low testosterone all his life.

“I have had low testosterone all my life, which has helped me have healthy joints. I’m at 400 (testosterone level). The point was that I stayed the same and people were like, ‘Hey, 20, still the same, 30, still the same, still here, 40, still the same, still here, and 50 and 60. So let’s show these guys on the other side, It’s not genetics. It’s the mother who makes an effort every day”.

Kenny KO chimed in saying that O’Hearn has exceptional genetics when it comes to maintaining a ripped physique. However, O’Hearn responded by dismissing the idea.

“I will never accept it. I will never be the guy who says I have genetics.” she said O’Hearn. The good thing about this is that we are here today. I was invited here. You and I finally got together and hung out, which I love. Again, don’t take this any other way except let’s talk, because I love your [Kenny’s] things,” shared O’Hearn.

Bodybuilding legend and four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler recently spoke about the silent nature that surrounds Mike O’Hearn and The Rock’s alleged steroid use. While he admits that he is an open book when it comes to discussing previous brew cyclesCutler says that ‘if they choose not to talk about it,’ then he respects it.

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Check out the full video below:

RELATED: Bodybuilder Robby Robinson Offers ‘Old School’ Bicep Training Tips with Mike O’Hearn

Though candid, fitness influencer Kenny KO’s conversation with O’Hearn lacked any concrete evidence to suggest the bodybuilder uses steroids. At 53, O’Hearn believes her longevity and strength come from consistency, not illicit substances.

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