MIND Diet for Brain Health: Short and Long Term Effects | Well+Good

meEvery year US News and World Reports publishes its list of the best meal plans. This list has nothing to do with what is “hot” or what celebrities are doing. This is what nationally recognized nutritionists and physicians actually recommend, including experts in heart health and human behavior.

You * might * be able to guess what came out on top of your newly released list from 2022. Mediterranean diet is no stranger to the top ranking and was considered number one once again, followed by the Diet board and the flexitarian diet. But there is another diet in the top five that doesn’t get as much attention as the reigning trio. The MIND diet (number four on the list) is an eating pattern developed by researchers based on studies showing the protective effects of certain foods specifically related to brain health. MIND is actually an acronym for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, and the eating plan was developed by nutrition researcher Martha Clare Morris, PhD, and her colleagues at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

The eating plan is divided into 15 categories: 10 types of brain-healthy foods and five types of foods to minimize. The foods people are encouraged to eat the most are green leafy vegetables, greens, whole grains, beans, nuts, berries, poultry, fish, and olive oil. That way, you’re getting a ton of Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, Y antioxidants—All of which have been repeatedly scientifically proven to benefit the brain.

If you transition from a standard American diet to the MIND diet for brain health, can you really expect to experience a difference in both the short and long term? Registered dietitians who have studied the diet wholeheartedly say yes. Here, MIND diet for beginners ($ 12) author Kelli McGrane, RD, Y The MIND diet plan and cookbook ($ 13) author Julie Andrews, RD, both detail exactly how following the MIND diet affects brain health, both immediately after making the switch and if you stick with it forever.

What happens to your brain right after you start the MIND diet

If you’re used to eating a diet that consists mostly of nutrient-poor foods and then switching to the MIND diet, Andrews says that one brain change you can expect right away is better concentration and focus. She explains that this is because the pillars of the eating plan have been directly linked to improving brain function in these ways.

McGrane agrees. “From my professional experience when I used to counsel, I regularly heard clients mention that they felt more energetic and did not experience mental confusion as often after cutting down on ultra-processed foods and incorporating more whole foods into their diets,” he says . . Just as important as the foods you eat are those that have been minimized, that is, sugar, sodium, and simple carbohydrates. These foods are notorious for causing mental confusion because they cause sharp spikes and drops in blood sugar, which in turn affects mental clarity.

In addition to better mental clarity, Andrews says that another cognitive change you may experience relatively soon after starting the eating plan is better mental health. This is because, not by chance, the same foods that are scientifically linked to reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression They are front and center in this eating plan. (For the record, that specifically includes whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and nuts.) But McGrane says more studies focusing specifically on the MIND diet need to be done to really prove the connection. “There is currently very little research on the connection between the MIND diet and mental health, specifically depression and anxiety,” he says, adding that what is available shows mixed results.

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While the effects of how you eat can have a powerful effect on your concentration and mood, McGrane says it’s just one piece of the puzzle. “Other lifestyle factors, like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and staying hydrated, are also key,” she says. But the immediate benefits you experience after starting the MIND diet for brain health will most likely inspire you to follow it. And that also comes with its own unique benefits.

What happens to your brain when you follow the MIND diet long-term:

If you follow the MIND diet, both experts say you can expect the initial benefits of better concentration and, for some, better mental health to continue. Also, they say, you are less likely to experience dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other cognitive illnesses. “Research on the MIND diet shows promise for long-term effects on brain health,” says Andrews. “In fact, studies conducted by Rush University, the home of the MIND diet, show that those who follow the MIND diet can reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 53 percent. “Additionally, Andrews says you don’t need to follow it absolutely perfectly to experience the benefits. “. Even following the MIND diet ‘partially’, meaning that you follow some of the recommendations, can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It’s quite powerful, “she says.

McGrane adds that the eating plan is related to supporting overall brain health in old age, not just memory. “It can also help protect against general cognitive decline. In fact, the Memory and Aging Project found that eating one serving of leafy green vegetables per day, which is a key part of the MIND diet, was associated with slower cognitive decline, “he says.

The science-backed connection between the MIND diet and preventing cognitive decline is very exciting, but it’s also important to note that there are other factors at play, some of which are completely beyond our control. Unfortunately, we cannot control everything that happens to us as we age.

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Since the MIND diet has both short-term and long-term benefits for the brain, both dietitians say the eating plan is for literally everyone, but Andrews says it is especially beneficial for older adults. “It is specifically designed to help people of all ages reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline,” he says. “I recommend it for people who have a diagnosis or a family history of these conditions, specifically, but the recommendations are good for everyone and it is never too late to start incorporating these recommendations into your lifestyle.”

If starting out sounds overwhelming, McGrane recommends starting small (a few MIND-inspired meals a week) and not getting too obsessed with getting it right. Remember, you don’t have to follow it 100 percent to reap the benefits. There are also helpful cookbooks packed with food inspo, like each expert’s mentioned books.

The good thing about the MIND diet is that it is not very restrictive. (To be honest, no eating plan meant to be followed long-term should be.) There are absolutely no shortages of meals that you can prepare if you stick to the meal plan, no matter what your taste preferences are. And it will benefit your brain in many ways in the process. Definitely something to consider.

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